The Criminalization of Criticism of TERRORISTS


Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan isn’t just attacking the Freedom of Speech (what little remains) in his own nation, no. Now he’s coming after YOURS. Nope, not kidding. Yes, Pakistan, where terrorists like to hide wants to criminalize YOUR speech.

Consider the Source, Its’ Where Terrorists Go To Hide

The leader of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, where we found and killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden cowering in a fortified complex in Abbottabad, now wants the Islamic majority nations of the world to “unite and force Western governments to criminalize insulting the Prophet Mohammed”.

The Daily Mail reports,

“Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has boasted that his plan for Muslim-majority countries to unite and force Western governments to criminalize insulting the Prophet Mohammed will work.

The 68-year-old leader said lobbying Western nations, the EU and UN to adopt blasphemy laws with a warning of a trade boycott if they do not do so will be ‘effective’ in achieving their goal.”

In an address on April 26th PM Khan said,

‘My way is to take heads of all Muslim countries into confidence,’ Khan said in an address on Monday.

‘Together we should ask Europe, the European Union and United Nations to stop hurting the feelings of 1.25 billion Muslims like they do not do in [the] case of Jews.’

‘I want the Muslim countries to devise a joint line of action over the blasphemy issue with a warning of trade boycott of countries where such incidents will happen,’ Khan continued. ‘This will be the most effective way to achieve the goal.’

Comparing Insulting Mohammed to The Holocaust–Tone Deaf

According to Voice of America (VOA) Prime Minister Khan also suggested western nations “treat offenders the same way they do those who deny the Holocaust.”

Notably, holocaust denial is not a crime in the United States where we possess First Amendment protected Freedom of Speech under the United States Constitution. However, in other western nations such as Canada, the United Kingdom, and the European Union. In Germany for the BBC reported, “Holocaust denial constitutes a crime and carries a sentence of up to five years in jail.”

Here are the Prime Minister’s tweets in context.

Former Foreign Secretary of the UK Sir Malcolm Rifkind told the Daily Mail, ‘The comparison with the Holocaust doesn’t really carry weight.’

To go a step further, the comparison of insulting Mohammed to the Holocaust is a DIRE insult to the Jewish people, a people and a faith that have a long and horrific history of oppression and extermination at the hands of islamist regimes.

And the very concept of so-called ‘hate-speech’ and laws criminalizing it are unacceptable and even repugnant to American values. Any attempts to force them on the American people must be rejected, forcefully if necessary.


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