Democrats Now Flipping on Biden

Democrats Now Flipping on Biden

Democrats are already turning on Joe Biden, as most conservatives expected. They stood for him when he was running against President Trump because they wanted Trump gone.

Senator Joe Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat who is known as one of the most moderate members of the Democrat caucus, told the Washington Post on January 8 that he would “absolutely not” support passing a round of $2,000 stimulus checks as a first priority.

The $2,000 stimulus checks are a key component of Joe Biden’s plans upon taking office. President Trump tried to push Congress to raise the amount of the most recent stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000, but he was unsuccessful as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked the increase in the Senate.

A spokesperson for Manchin has since clarified his statements, saying that the senator is not against the stimulus checks, he just doesn’t think that should be the first priority.

Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer has called for the checks to be the first priority of Congress, but without help from Senator Manchin, that may be a problem.

After the Georgia Senate runoffs that took place on January 5, the results of which are disputed due to evidence of similar fraud and irregularities as were observed during the presidential election, Democrats now control the Senate.

The balance of power in the Senate is 50-50, with the vice president breaking the tie. As it appears that Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20, this would mean that Kamala Harris is the tie breaker.

From this, many have proclaimed that moderate senators like Manchin hold a significant amount of power over passing bills in the Senate.

If Joe Biden doesn’t quickly rein in his Democrat colleagues, he’s looking at a tough battle to push his agenda through the next four years. Hopefully, Manchin will be the voice of sanity holding back the policies promoted by his increasingly radical party.


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