California: Thieves Decide to Steal from the Rich…Repeatedly


California Governor Gavin Newsom is glad to be able to do his part by providing an attractive target for looters. Socialists keep insisting that Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor but that’s a liberal lie. He stole from the tax collector and returned the money to the rightful owners.

Reparations, California style

Governor Gavin Newsom found a way to get insurance companies to fund reparations for African Americans. All the Antifa® brand anarchists and Black Lives Matter™ socialists need to do is loot his wine shop by breaking out the window.

The insurance company will repair it and pay for the stolen merchandise so everyone is happy and it’s all set up and ready for the next night’s riot. All the other liberal Democrat merchants in California are happy to go along with the plan.

Reporters had a few questions for the Governor on Tuesday after “would-be burglars attempted to gain access” to his wine shop in San Francisco, California “by breaking a storefront window.” It wasn’t the first time.

According to Joe Arellano, “Over the past year during the shelter-in-place, this store location has experienced several attempted break-ins, similar to many of the other businesses in the area and across the city.” Newsom is the proud proprietor of PlumpJack Wine & Spirits.

Underfunded police actually responded to “the corner of Greenwich and Fillmore Streets at 6:40 a.m. Tuesday,” when the alarm went off. California Socialists planned to share Newsom’s wealth by breaking “through a window at the front of the store.”

They didn’t like the sound of the alarm siren so “fled the scene before law enforcement arrived.” The police are carefully not saying if anything was missing. To help calm down the apoplectic insurance adjuster who keeps muttering things about “fraud” under his breath, the “store has new security cameras.”

Identify the suspects

Arellano also promised the adjuster they “hope” to identify the suspects from security video. PlumpJack Wine & Spirits “has suffered three break-in attempts so far this year” which is why the adjuster is starting to think it might be on purpose. Identifying the suspects is one thing. They might even get arrested. The chance of anyone ever actually being prosecuted are zero. The adjuster can’t do much more than mutter.

Especially because there were “multiple others occurring in 2020” during the height of California Democrat insurrection. Newsom assures everyone that the store has lots of insurance. His friends own the company. All the companies.

Governor Newsom and his wife “opened the store in 1992, funded by billionaire Gordon Getty.” For legal reasons, the “store has been in a blind trust since Newsom was elected governor, and is a source of millions in profits for the couple.” As soon as he leaves office, he gets it back.

Newsom doesn’t mind doing his part for the progressive California cause and has encouraged all his friends to make similar arrangements with the local proletariat. “The attempted robbery of PlumpJack Wine & Spirits happened in the midst of a crime spree concentrated in large cities across the country.”

Outside the deep blue Fantasyland of California, the “wave of crime is causing many small business owners to take extra security measures, limit store hours, and in some cases, shut their doors for good.” Another option has begun to emerge, vigilantism.

Many shopkeepers and homeowners have decided to take the law into their own hands in places where it has become glaringly obvious the police can’t do the job anymore. In those jurisdictions where the Second Amendment is frowned upon, it’s helpful to know that one raging anarchist in Texas was put down for good with a few well placed paving bricks. The next time BLM rabble army shows up, they’ll start hearing Bob Dylan music as the crowd starts chanting “everybody must get stoned!”


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