It looks a whole lot like heavy Chinese money was flowing in to Joe Biden, laundered through the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. Hunter Biden was in the middle of it and apparently had an office right next to Joe’s. As a third stash of Joe Biden’s classified documents came to light, the location where the first batch was found is under heavy scrutiny.
A lot of Chinese money involved
Millions of dollars in Chinese money flowed toward the Penn Biden Center, through it’s host, the University of Pennsylvania. “Penn took in roughly $77 million in gifts and contracts from China between 2014 and 2020.” Every bit of it managed to slip under investigator’s radar until a secret stash of classified documents came to light. Xi pays the college, they pay Joe, everybody is happy and nobody knows anything about it.
Even now, Fox News reports, the “Penn Biden Center lies at the heart of the latest Biden controversy but in some ways remains shrouded by mystery.”
Six days before the election in November, “classified documents were discovered at the Washington, D.C. office” which Joe Biden used at his “think-tank.” Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. That’s important because a whole lot of Chinese money followed Joe by the millions. When the classified records were found, the news was buried.
Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a 'dark money nightmare'
— New York Post (@nypost) January 11, 2023
Especially, after the way Merrick Garland raided Mar-a-Lago over the exact same issue. Everyone is wondering when the FBI will raid Biden’s Delaware basement. His garage was the location of a second set of classified documents and his home office produced a third batch.
One of the big questions that nobody seems to be asking yet is since Hunter Biden had an office there too, did he have access to those classified documents? Also, why did Joe even have them there in the first place, since he was never around.
Chinese money apparently paid for the whole operation. It’s not surprising that Hunter was in on the ground floor and promoting the opportunity. At the top of his to-do list was “wealth creation.” The Chinese had already been really helpful with that.
Hunter’s emails confirm all
Hunter Biden, according to previously released emails, “discussed the center” long before it was a done deal. It was all set up while Joe was still Vice President to ole Big Ears. As soon as the regime changed in January of 2017, “Biden became the ‘Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor‘ at the University of Pennsylvania, an honorary position.”
The money China donated to the school came in handy enough that Joe was paid twice as much as an ordinary professor for doing nothing at all. They gave him not just an office but a suite.
The next year, when the Biden Center officially opened, the money really started flowing in from China. According to an email dated April 25, 2016, Creative Artists Agency (CAA) agent Craig Gering emailed Hunter with “confidential notes from our meeting.”
BREAKING: Secretary of State Tony Blinken was the managing director of the Penn Biden Center and helped advise American universities how to get multi-million dollar donations from China.
— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) January 10, 2023
It documented “plans that were discussed for the vice president upon leaving office.” At the top of the list was “wealth creation.” The email didn’t specify any details on that one but it seems to have spontaneously happened all on its own.
They did talk about the center. It was to focus “on foreign policy.” Relating to China, most likely. As Gering wrote, “In addition to the institute at U of Penn, the school has an existing office in DC that will be expanded to house a DC office for VP Biden (and Mike, Hunter and Steve?). Operates like The Clinton Global Initiative without the money raise.” Just like the Clinton Global Initiative? That’s a scary thought. Especially, when they already have a supply of secret donors.
They obviously didn’t need to beg the Chinese, who practically had the school set up for direct deposit. Hunter gave his okay but urged complete silence. “Yes, in theory that’s the way I would like to see it shake out— BUT please keep this very confidential between us because nothing has been set in stone and there’s still a lot of sensitivity around all of this both internally and externally.” We know Joe was well aware of his son’s business dealings because the next line was “He hasn’t made any decisions and this could all be changed overnight.“