Soros Operative Prepping to Help Steal EVERY Election

Soros Operative Prepping to Help Steal EVERY Election

A George Soros funded operative in the Colorado government is now making moves to crack down on free and fair elections in the state.

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold is making moves to remove any sort of election security in her state.

Past Statements

Many conservatives may remember the Colorado secretary of state from a tweet she sent out in mid-June about election audits, which got her in some hot water.

“My office just issued rules prohibiting sham election audits in the State of Colorado. We will not risk the state’s election security nor perpetuate The Big Lie. Fraudits have no place in Colorado,” the Soros operativefund wrote.

Most of the responses to Griswold’s tweet showed concern over the unprovoked actions she was taking. Colorado was not even on the radar when it came to potential election audits for 2020, as it was seen as a solid blue state. But many people began to question whether the state should be investigated after Griswold’s tweet. If she had nothing to hide, why was she so eager to ban audits that she boldly announced it on her Twitter without any provocation?

One Twitter user made this point in a comment on her tweet, writing: “If the Colorado election is above reproach, no state official should fear a forensic audit in Colorado. The only people that fear an audit are people who are hiding something. Your statement clearly points to the fact that a forensic audit is absolutely necessary in Colorado.”

Taking Action

Griswold held a virtual hearing on August 3rd about the permanent rule changes, which she is required by law to do, but ultimately the voter comments brought forth in the hearing have no bearing on whether the rules are implemented.

According to reporting from The Gateway Pundit, the hearing was held “for voter comment but she is not required to do any follow-up. Jenna is the final authority.”

The Gateway Pundit also received a letter from a concerned Colorado election judge about Griswold’s actions and the fraud taking place in the state.

“I have been an election judge for a county for several election cycles,” the anonymous letter states. “I received that from the Larimer Republican Party because they are asking me to be their lead election poll watcher. I know that USPS threw away Republican ballots in certain precincts. What goes on in the scanning facility for ballots is top secret, and with Jena’s gag order and staff in place it will become a black hole.”

“Jena Griswold is a hot mess Soros person,” the letter continues. “She does not care who she hurts or what anyone thinks about it. A good Marxist soldier.”

The secretary of state’s proposed legislation would eliminate signature verifications for voting, put a gag order on poll watchers, and make it more difficult to remove dead voters from the voter rolls.

Here is the document detailing the proposed changes:


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