The Secret Service swears up and down that not a single soul visited Joe Biden at his home in Delaware. That proves one of two things. Either they are lying to cover up the meetings Joe did have or Joe spent “roughly one-fourth” of his time loafing on the sofa eating ice cream. Which is it? American taxpayers demand to know.
Biden missing in action
For a quarter of the time Joe Biden was allegedly running this country, he’s been missing in action. Hiding in his Delaware basement where he doesn’t have to see the scandalous things Hunter was up to plastered on the TV screen. No pesky reporters to quiz him on his mental acuity, either.
The official story is that nobody needed his opinion or approval on anything in all that time. What do we need him for?
According to the SS, they checked the Biden visitor logs then checked again. They “still can’t find any records that identify visitors.” Poor lonely and confused Joe, left alone with the family pets.
BREAKING: Biden Administration hires team to carry around Post-It Notes reminding him who is and isn't dead.
— U.S. Ministry of Truth (@USMiniTru) September 29, 2022
Republican lawmakers got wind of the ridiculous FOIA response and one of them came unglued. “the stonewalling and gaslighting must stop,” Guy Reschenthaler declared.
Biden, the Pennsylvania lawmaker informs, “denies any involvement in his son’s business dealings, despite indisputable evidence of numerous meetings with his son’s business partners.” Reschenthaler is “deeply concerned by this blatant conflict of interest and its massive national security implications.” He thinks the SS is lying.
“It is absolutely crucial that visitor log records for Biden’s homes in Delaware, where he spends a quarter of his time, be released to the public.”
A bunch of malarkey
Kentucky lawmaker James Comer had a few choice words when he found out about the FOIA fiasco. “The claim that there are no visitor logs” for the house His Imperial Wisdom spends a significant part of the time in “is a bunch of malarky.” That pretty much sums it up.
Americans “deserve to know” who Biden is meeting with, “especially since we know that he routinely met with Hunter’s business associates” back when he was licking Barack Obama’s “boots.”
The Secret Police need to “provide transparency to the American people” for a change instead of covering for Joe Biden.
All we get from SS Deputy Director Faron Paramore is a lame excuse dated September 27 that “the agency conducted an additional search of relevant program offices for potentially responsive records.” They didn’t find any. Why isn’t the FBI swooping in to carry boxes of visitor logs out of Biden’s basement?
The feds want us to believe that nobody came to visit poor lonely Joe Biden while he spent 200 days in his bathrobe playing fetch with his dogs. Actually, he was playing fetch with the cat and never noticed the difference.
He would go out and try not to fall off his bike once in a while. All the time, flashbacks of his glory days besting Corn Pop appeared before his eyes.