Confirmation Joe Biden ‘Compromised’

NYT Biden

An article hot off the NYT presses last week has conservative Americans hopping mad at the FBI. Republicans in congress, like Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, are venting their anger with the Deep State of complicit Democrats, social media megaliths and the radically liberal media. All have spent years conspiring “to censor reports on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop.” What America has known for a long time was finally admitted by the New York Times. The “Hunter Biden laptop story was true.

NYT admits the Truth

It’s a miracle. The NYT actually printed a story that was more than liberal propaganda. As soon as Senator Cotton read it, on Thursday, March 17, he tweeted out his displeasure, calling the coverup a “disgrace.

For decades, he added, “the Biden family has cashed in on Joe’s government service. Even today, Hunter Biden is getting paid millions for his ‘artwork‘ in a corrupt arrangement blessed by the White House.

It’s been 17 months since the The Post broke the story but the NYT reported last week they finally got around to verifying “a trove of emails contained on the laptop’s hard drive.

All along, Imperial Leader Joe Biden “dismissed The Post’s exclusive report on the laptop — which Hunter ditched at a Delaware repair shop in 2019 — as Russian misinformation.” The way Florida Senator Rick Scott sees it, the “cover up” helped Biden jimmy his way into the oval office.

As Scott tweeted out to his adoring fans, the NYT simply “confirmed what many of us already knew.” Not only that, everyone understands how “the Democrats and their allies in media and Big Tech conspired to cover up the Hunter Biden story.

The only reason the did it was to protect the interests of Globalism and the New World Order. Having such a deplorable Nationalist as Trump in charge of America gives the Rothschild family screaming nightmares. Just ask Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. He has a new video out talking about that.

A congressional investigation

Over in the House, they’re still shaking from embarrassment at the way they went limp and impotent when We the People’s delegation of the People’s Convoy cornered them in the Transportation Committee. Most Republicans are afraid to go home and face their constituents.

Darrell Issa used the NYT story to pave the way back to his district of holdout conservatives in California, by “calling for a Congressional investigation into how big tech, mainstream media, and the Democrat industrial complex colluded to suppress the Hunter Biden scandals.” He pointed out how they made things even worse by covering up the news “during the last days of the 2020 election.

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert asks now that the NYT “has even confirmed the Hunter Biden laptop’s veracity, can we begin to admit that Joe Biden is, by definition, a compromised politician?

Jim Jordan of Ohio simply said, “Told ya.” We the People love him. He wasn’t afraid to meet with convoy members on camera.

Over at the House Judiciary committee, the GOP spelled it out that the laptop scandal was chained and handcuffed to the “claims by Democrats that former President Donald Trump colluded with Russia ahead of the 2016 presidential election.

Liars. They’re all a bunch of dastardly liars. “They told you President Trump colluded with Russia. He didn’t. They told you Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake. It wasn’t.” The NYT will certainly be getting the cold shoulder from progressives over this one.


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