NOT OVER: Trump Approves New Filings

NOT OVER: Trump Approves New Filings

According to Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani, the president’s legal team is moving to Plan B: filing new, retooled lawsuits.

“We move immediately, seamlessly, to plan B, which is to bring lawsuits now in each one of the states. We had them ready. They’re just a version of the one that was brought in the Supreme Court. So last night, the president made the decision,” Rudy Giuliani said during an interview on Steve Bannon‘s show, “War Room: Pandemic.”

Here is the full episode of that show, the interview with Giuliani begins at around seven minutes into the video:

The lawsuit brought by Texas against Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia, which alleged that the elections in these four battleground states were unconstitutional, was rejected by the Supreme Court on Friday, which claimed that Texas did not have standing to file suit.

This left many conservatives frustrated and concerned that the fight was over, and that fraud and irregularities in the election would not be investigated or corrected.

Hope has been renewed for many on the right after President Trump‘s legal team has indicated that new lawsuits will be filed directly in those four states, along with Arizona and Nevada. According to the legal team, these lawsuits will incorporate many of the allegations raised by the Texas lawsuit.

“If the state doesn’t have standing, surely the president of the United States has standing. And certainly the electors in the states have standing. So they will be bringing those very cases right in those courts, starting today. And let’s see what excuse they can try to use to avoid having a hearing on that,” Giuliani said.

Giuliani also alleged that courts have been using “standing” to avoid having to rule on the merits of the lawsuits, adding, “Nobody wants to face the reality that this election was stolen.”

“This is outrageous what they’re doing. The American people should have the benefit of hearing these facts … The facts have been kept from them,” he continued.

“Not a single court decision has had a hearing yet. They haven’t heard from a single witness. They haven’t looked at a single tape.

They haven’t listened to a single recording. There are thousands of them. They haven’t even bothered to look at the tape in Atlanta, Georgia, which is dispositive. It shows an ongoing voter theft of 30,000 votes, enough to change the election,” Giuliani said.


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