Major Rift Unearthed Between Dog the Bounty Hunter and Family Member

Major Rift Unearthed Between Dog the Bounty Hunter and Family Member

A major rift between Dog the Bounty Hunter and a member of his family has been unearthed by the media. The reality TV star’s daughter is starting drama because she has been brainwashed by the left.

Duane “Dog” Chapman’s daughter, Bonnie, has voiced her support for the radical Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. According to Bonnie, this has caused a rift in the family.

Dog denies Bonnie’s accusations, calling his daughter “brainwashed.”

Bonnie decided to gossip about her family to celebrity trash rag TMZ, telling the outlet that the rift began when Dog’s newest show was cut short earlier this year. According to Bonnie, the cancelled show and the so-called rift played a role in herself and her step-sister Cecily not being invited to Dog’s upcoming wedding with Francie Frane.

Dog’s brainwashed daughter didn’t stop there, spreading more family gossip by talking about a text she received from Francie about Bonnie’s partnership with the network.

Part of the text reads: “let’s not beat around the bush, You & Cecily both know You haven’t been invited to the wedding because your (sic) living under the same roof with people who stabbed (him), robbed, lied, manipulated, smeared his name and tried to ruin his career.”

Of course, Bonnie ignores these claims, and instead insists there’s just a rift in the family. Further, she claims that her dad’s show was cancelled because he used racial/homophobic epithets, saying that this was the real reason the company ended its contract with him.

Bonnie and Cecily are currently still working with the network on another show which pushes the radical left’s agenda, focusing on so-called racial injustice and supporting BLM.

Dog spoke out about his brainwashed daughters, saying that they are being “groomed by unscrupulous former associates of his.”

“Please pray for Bonnie and Cecily to be released from whatever hold these people have on them,” Dog said, adding: “Despite the sadness, we feel at this rift in our family, Francie and I are looking forward to celebrating our wedding next week with the rest of our family and close friends.”


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