Biden’s Handlers are Now Revealed


If you ever want to know who a politician’s handlers are, it’s really quite simple. All you have to do is check the receipts. Joe Biden’s have been revealed and the check is coming up due. Isn’t it interesting that amongst the companies and private donors who foot the bill for the Biden-Harris regimes ‘non-inauguration’… Pfizer.

Vaccine Manufacturer Counted Among Biden’s Handlers: The Donor Class

In the midst of the COVID19 “pandemic” the inauguration of the supposedly “elected” President of The United States had his inaugural celebration bankrolled by one of the largest pharmaceutical firms in the world, who also happened to be fast-tracking the mRNA genetic therapy they like to call a “vaccine” at the same time. But no, that’s not shady at all… is it?

According to a Reuters story published quietly in April,

“The Democratic president’s inaugural committee took in $1 million in contributions each from about 10 big companies, including Pfizer Inc (PFE.N), the maker of one of the COVID-19 vaccines being deployed in the United States, as well as from AT&T Services Inc (T.N), Bank of America Corp (BAC.N) and Boeing Co (BA.N).”

Reuters continued, “The filing did not give details on how the money was spent on the events accompanying Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration, which nixed traditional inaugural balls due to the coronavirus pandemic but included televised performances by Lady Gaga and Garth Brooks.”

So one truly has to wonder, for an inauguration which virtually no one attended. What in the world did they manage to spend $61.8 million on? Sure Lady Gaga and Garth Brooks played the gig, but that’s typically considered an honor and is usually performed for expenses only. Pfizer also donated toward the Trump inauguration.

According to the Patriot United News, Pfizer wasn’t the only big tech firm to throw down the proverbial credit card either.

“As the massive big-tech coup rages across the internet amidst accusations of silicon valley’s big-tech giants tipping the scales in favor of the Democrats and silencing conservatives, the Biden Inaugural Committee released its list of top donors. Guess who some prominent contributors are? Google, Microsoft, and 5G developer, Qualcomm. Shocked? We weren’t either. Of course, Joe Biden is no stranger to pay-to-play,”



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