Iran Holding Hostage Till Their Guy Joe Biden Becomes President


Iran is holding an oil tanker hostage that belongs to U.S. ally South Korea. They call it a case of criminal pollution but the reality is that it’s all about the “Benjamins.” Tehran made it crystal clear, they know Trump would never let them get away with it. “The situation is “almost impossible to resolve” before the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.” Once the pallets of cash start flowing again, and the crippling sanctions are lifted, the Ayatollah will be happy to turn the tanker loose. Now that the New World Order is in charge, we’re one big happy planet ‘sans frontiers.’ It’s time to start sharing the wealth, like good socialists.

Iran doesn’t need any proof

The Iranian foreign minister had a little meeting with their central bank and a senior South Korean diplomat. When Iran heard South Korea’s “request” to turn loose an oil tanker which the Ayatollah seized recently, they laughed so hard one of their special forces agents almost detonated himself.

South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choi Jong-kun met with his counterpart Abbas Araghchi. Sitting in were the Governor of their Central Bank, Abdolnasser Hemmati, and the head of Iran’s foreign relations council Kamal Kharrazi.

The meeting was called to discuss the confiscation of the MT Hankuk Chemi. Soul protested that the trumped up charges reported by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards were lies. Capturing the ship in the Strait of Hormuz was totally “unacceptable.” Tough luck, Iran replied. Your ally Donald Trump has been crushed.

Tehran didn’t even bother to present any “technical evidence” that the ship polluted at sea. They don’t need any. The owner of the vessel swears up and down that he’s being framed but who cares? “The allegations have been rejected by the tanker’s parent company, DM Shipping.”

Without any evidence, a South Korean diplomatic source explained Wednesday, it’s “difficult to judge” whether the tanker violated international law. Some sort of proof used to be required. Not anymore.

The crew will be found guilty, but not yet. Iran will employ a “fair and swift judicial process” to try the ship’s proprietor for violating laws. They promise to continue “humanitarian treatment” of the detained crew.

Holding out for Biden

Iran is still upset that Seoul froze all their Rials. The currency is already so deflated it takes 42,105 of them to make a dollar. South Korea is sitting on around $7 billion worth in two of the Ayatollah’s bank accounts. Tehran calls South Korea’s compliance with Trump’s sanctions “unacceptable.”

Minister Choi tried to explain that “the financial systems of Korea and the United States are closely associated, and U.S. assistance on any sanctions relief is necessary.” The Persians didn’t buy it.

The solution, in the eyes of Iran, is Joe Biden and John Kerry. They can’t wait to get Kerry to lurch his way back to Tehran. The situation, according to a research professor at the Institute of Middle East Affairs, is “almost impossible to resolve” before the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Joe Biden.

Biden’s administration is already ramping up for Obama 2.0 as all the old faces are trickling back to Washington. Iran and the Ayatollah have high hopes. Their centrifuges are spinning around at top speed and they’ll have a nuclear bomb of their own in no time.

The loss of a couple of their top generals is only a minor setback. They’re still chuckling over the way they have John Kerry under total control and can’t wait to work with him again.


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