Gun Control is Here, Biden’s ABUSE of Power Continues


The Biden-Harris regime has thrown down the gauntlet. Gun control by Executive fiat is here as the rampant abuse of power by this rogue government continues. The Daily Caller has reported Friday that Jen Psaki was asked if Biden “intends to sign executive orders instituting increased Gun control” her response was a stunning declaration that will go down in history as foreshadowing disaster.

“Yes,” Psaki flatly stated in response to a question on the subject during Friday’s press briefing. “I can’t give you an exact time frame in part, because they have to go through a review process, which is something that we do from here.”

“I will note that when we, when the president was the vice president in the Obama-Biden administration, he helped put in place twenty three executive actions to combat gun violence,” she continued. “It’s one of the levers that we can use that any federal government, any president, can use to help address the prevalence of gun violence and address community safety around the country.”

It’s All About Control

Reportedly Biden is in favor of Democrat’s HR 127 and RINO Sen. Marco Rubio’s SB7 two horrifically confiscatory measures working through Congress, however, they are also looking at executive actions to “move forward” with their openly hostile far left agenda.

The RFAngle reports,

Biden is considering executive orders that would require background checks on “ghost guns” and requiring that the FBI inform local police of failed background checks.”

“He (Joe Biden) as vice president was leading the effort on determining executive actions that could be taken on gun safety measures, it’s something that he has worked on, he’s passionate about, he feels personally connected to,” said Psaki. “But there’s an ongoing process and I think we feel we have to work on multiple channels at the same time.”

Biden’s Abuse Continues to the Joy of the Leftist Media

Former Obama campaign Manager and sycophant Jim Messina extolled Biden’s virtues to MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhl, and fell all over himself in his fulsome praise of a Democrat-Socialist controlled White House that is acting more and more like a rogue government fighting with it’s constituent states and people at every turn.

“You have Joe Biden, who is the single-best legislator of his time, who’s going to try to find a way to move forward with something,” Messina (seriously) said. “He’ll use every single piece of executive order he has, but this is kind of a purpose-built moment for Joe Biden, who’s the guy who can quietly get things done behind the scenes and if there’s anyone who can move this stalemate through, it’s Joe Biden,”

It’s never been about “Gun” Control, its always only ever been about one thing: Control. And the left no longer care to do anything quietly, they are brazen and brash in their arrogance. As the scales fall away from our eyes and these forces no longer seek the shadows and operate in the open, the cracks are starting to show.



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