BLM Co-Founder’s Portfolio Doesn’t Match What She is Claiming


BLM co-founder and sole board member and Executive Director of the Black Lives Matter Global Network, self-professed “trained Marxist” Patrisse Khan-Cullors has mastered double-think.

Khan-Cullors shared a post of an NPR OP-Ed titled “Black Americans And The Racist Architecture of Homeownership” just a month after drawing MASSIVE criticism in April for purchasing four homes valued at $3.2 million with the money she’s earned stoking the flames of racial hatred for the last few years. Yikes. Now THAT’S impressive, profiting from the system that you criticize as being patently racists while claiming your ‘sticking it to the white man’…

Cullors’ caption was the coup-de-grace though, she wrote

“Thank you @npr for highlighting the history of racism inside of the housing market and why Black homeownership has always been a way to disrupt white supremacy.

When called on the carpet during an interview with Marc Lamont Hill, The Western Journal reported that Khan-Cullors said her ownership of these properties “is in direct support to black people, including my black family members, first and foremost.”

“For so many black folks who are able to invest in themselves and their community, they choose to invest in their family, and that’s what I have chosen to do.”

She continued asserting that she as an “organizer” should be recognized and rewarded. “Organizers should get paid for the work that they do,” Khan-Cullors said in the same interview.

“The fact that the right-wing media is trying to create hysteria around my spending is frankly racist and sexist.”

BLM Founders Are Beyond Criticism

Because any criticism of Cullors is racist and sexist, you’re not allowed to object to any of this. How dare you? Patrisse and other leaders of the BLM movement are moral beyond all reproach. The only people who would question them are White Supremacists!

After all, avowed Marxists always own multi-million dollar real estate holdings right? (funny enough… Sen. Bernie Sanders… Seattle, WA Socialist City Council member Kshama Sawant … you get the idea)

And certainly Patrisse hasn’t spent the last seven years building an international organization that spread fire, violence and destruction across 140 American cities in 21 states for over six months in 2020… Oh, wait. And there’s absolutely no way that through shady organization juggling that she managed to center the wealth and influence of the organization purely into her control leaving the grassroots local BLM chapters high and dry and…oh wow, she did that too….

But no, you don’t get to call her out.



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