Trump Was Right: They Spied on Him and Now They are Spying on YOU


Once and Future President Donald Trump was absolutely right when he claimed that the “Deep State” spied on him. Now they want to spy on you too and will probably get away with it.

Spied on without even knowing

Not only will American citizens be spied on as they visit the nation’s capitol for business or pleasure, the intrusion will be so painless you’ll never even notice. Security, on the other hand, will know exactly what you’re carrying in your pocket, purse, or backpack.

The January 6 false-flag barbarian invasion of the U.S. Capitol, which happened right on “Q,” is being used as an excuse to hand the Imperial Palace Guard some additional powers. Ones like X-ray vision. From now on they’ll be allowed to play with the really fancy and restricted Army surveillance equipment. U.S. Capitol Police are getting a makeover into “an intelligence-based protective agency.”

Last week, the Imperial Palace Guard “took possession of” eight groovy new “Persistent Surveillance Systems” meant to be deployed at ground level. These units have a “medium” range. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved the request for the high tech gear a month ago, on June 2.

The sales brochure says “the units capture high-definition video and include night vision,” These particular models “do not feature facial recognition capabilities.” You will be spied on by those later, after the Capitol cops figure out how to use these.

The same old camera systems which spied on everyone before will be wired into the new equipment.

“This technology will be integrated with existing USCP camera infrastructure, providing greater high definition surveillance capacity to meet steady-state mission requirements and help identify emerging threats.” Threats like “American flags” or other “racist” paraphernalia.

The same technology

American citizens will be proud to learn that they will be spied on with the very same technology “used by troops during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to observe large areas day and night.”

They knew were all the goat humpers were and now they’ll track each and every deplorable across the District of Columbia. According to the Pentagon, the “Army will install the units and train Capitol Police on how to operate the systems.”

You’ll be spied with only the best “state-of-the-art campus surveillance technology, which will enhance the ability to detect and monitor threat activity.” For obvious reasons the IPG “did not provide further details regarding how or where the surveillance equipment would be used.” They’re being especially cagey about not providing information “on whether data collected would be stored or distributed.” That means you can be assured it will be both stored and distributed.


Some Americans don’t like it but that’s tough the Palace declares. Just last month, “a federal appeals court found similar surveillance technology used by the Baltimore Police Department violated the constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizure.” This isn’t Baltimore, this is the seat of government and His Wisdom Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. will do as he wishes.

Not only that, you can expect to be spied on elsewhere in the near future. This controversial report “comes after the USCP announced it will open regional offices nationwide, beginning in California and Florida, in order to ‘investigate threats’ made against members of Congress.

The Imperial Palace Guard is special enough to get away with all this heavy handed espionage because “the USCP is currently exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) because it is part of the legislative branch, giving it a level of secrecy and a lack of established accountability methods that aren’t the case for other law enforcement agencies.” So there. “Congress is not subject to the law, and the Capitol Police, as a component of the legislative branch, is also exempt from any FOIA request.” Welcome to the New World Order.


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