Trump Assassination Attempt Could Have Been STOPPED… Deep State Strikes Again

Exposes Trump

The rule of thumb for the Secret Service is that if there is a verified threat, the protectee does not go on.

Well, based on the most recent reports, the Secret Service had identified a threat, yet they not only allowed the protectee to go on stage, but they also allowed the threat to continue to roam the grounds of the rally.

How the Secret Service Director is holding her job, I have no idea.

They Knew

This was not something they found only minutes before the attempt on Donald Trump’s life.

Secret Service spotted the shooter when he was entering the rally with a rangefinder that set off metal detectors hours before Trump ever appeared on stage.

They immediately tagged him as someone of concern, yet they let him pass through anyway.

The shooter was spotted again taking readings near the building from where he would eventually fire the shots.

In fact, a local police officer even snapped a photo of the would-be assassin, yet he was permitted to continue to roam freely.

As if that were not bad enough, attendees spotted the shooter climbing onto the roof, bear crawling, pointing, and screaming that an armed man was on the roof.

One witness stated, “I’m thinking to myself ‘Why is Trump still speaking, why have they not pulled him off the stage’… the next thing you know, five shots ring out.”

A second witness stated, “We noticed the guy crawling, bear-crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us.

“So we’re standing there, we’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof.”

Secret Service and local police had at least a half-dozen opportunities to stop the shooter, and they failed, and now someone is dead.

Who will be held accountable for this?


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