SHOTS FIRED… Secret Service Agent Just…

Secret Service Agents
"Secret Service agents stand guard" by Chuck Patch from Baltimore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

No, it was not another attempt on Donald Trump’s life, but it is another black eye for the Secret Service.

According to reports, an agent had a “negligent discharge” of his weapon.

No one other than the agent was hurt in the incident.

Just a Mistake

According to the Secret Service, the agent who discharged his weapon was not seriously injured and is expected to fully recover.

The agency has been taking considerable heat over the last few weeks regarding the skill of agents, so this is not going to help things.

This all got started after the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, where it was clear that Trump did not have the best agents on his detail, nor were many regular protocols followed.

Had they been followed, the shooter would have been taken into custody or, at the very least, Trump would have never been permitted to take the stage that day until the threat had been neutralized.

Then Secret Service agents broke into a local business to use the bathroom during a Kamala Harris appearance.

They also disabled the business’ video surveillance and left the business doors open after they were done.

That led up to a second attempt on Donald Trump’s life where, again, it appears that agents did not do a security sweep and no overhead drone sweeps were done.

Had they done that, there is no way the shooter would have been able to hide along that fence line for 12 hours waiting for Trump.

If Trump wins this election, he needs to gut leadership and put someone in charge who is less interested in DEI than agents actually being held accountable and doing their jobs.


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