Trump SQUARES OFF Against Jack Smith

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Donald Trump and Special Counsel Jack Smith are going at it again.

Smith’s office sent a brief to Judge Chutkan regarding an upcoming motion that his office wants to file this week.

If Smith gets his way, this will be an October surprise to be used against Trump in the election, which is why Trump’s defense team is trying to block it.

Can’t Say That

Smith is looking to submit a motion that is more than 180 pages, about four times the norm for this type of motion.

The filing stated that it would contain “a detailed factual proffer” and “extensive footnote citations to an exhibit appendix.” They argued such a “comprehensive brief” exceeding the typical 45-page limit would be of “great assistance to the Court in creating a robust record.”

Trump’s defense team responded, “False, public allegations by the Special Counsel’s Office, presented through a document that has no basis in the traditional criminal justice process, will undoubtedly enter the dialogue around the election.

“The Gag Order prevents President Trump from explaining in detail why the Office’s selective and biased account is inaccurate without risking contempt penalties.

“The Office cannot be permitted to issue a massive and misleading public statement that is not responsive to a defense motion, and risks adverse impacts to the integrity of these proceedings, while simultaneously insisting on an unconstitutional prior restraint on President Trump’s ability to respond to their inaccurate assertions while he is campaigning.”

The argument, unfortunately, did not work.

Judge Chutkan has already ruled in favor of Smith, so this monster motion will be submitted and likely publicized later this week.

When that happens, Trump’s campaign better be ready because the Harris campaign will surely be using this in its attacks against Trump.

Chutkan has made it quite clear she could care less that Trump is in the middle of an election and she will not allow him to use that as an excuse to slow down this case.

Trump does not have to worry about this case going to trial before the election, but he surely now has to worry about the court of public opinion.

Get ready for the bombshell to hit. Now it is just a question of whether Trump can survive the hit this close to election day.


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