Probe of FBI FISA Abuse Unleashed


It seems that besides Special Prosecutor John Durham’s probe into the origins of Obamagate, the FBI is internally digging into “possible misconduct related to the Trump-Russia investigation.” Specifically, they’re looking at the “potentially improper handling of a surveillance warrant that was used early in the investigation.

FBI investigating themselves

The FBI is doing an internal probe into “potential” abuse of the FISA court. The Federal Bureau of Instigation wants the public to believe that they can investigate themselves and still find wrongdoing if it exists.

For some strange reason, nobody believes that. One of the bureau’s agents testified about the self-investigation during Michael Sussmann’s trial.

According to supervisory agent Curtis Heide, the bureau already has “an administrative inquiry” up and running. It seems that “multiple FBI agents are being scrutinized, including himself.

Agent Heide informs that the secret inquiry is being run by their Inspection Division, “which conducts internal audits and can refer any wrongdoing it finds to the Office of Professional Responsibility, which can recommend discipline or even firings.” Not criminal charges though.

Heide was dragged up on the witness stand in the Sussmann trial because he’s one of the agents who processed the data hand delivered to the back door of the FBI. He’s not being investigated for anything related to that, though. Instead, he’s under investigation for hiding evidence.

They say he didn’t admit knowing about “exculpatory information as it pertained to one of the Crossfire Hurricane investigations.” That’s the one into Trump-Russia collusion.

Hiding evidence from FISA

Heide was allegedly hiding “material” from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, responsible for allowing wiretaps against Americans. He had a “recording from one of the subjects.” Probably George Papadopoulos.

The FISA court only approved one FBI warrant related to Obamagate, the one on Carter Page. Page was most likely framed. The public knows for certain that he “was investigated as a potential Russian agent, but was never charged with any crimes and denied any wrongdoing.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz already confirmed that “the FBI never told the FISA court that it had a recording of Page telling an informant that he wasn’t working for the Russians.

While that could be the recording Heide is in hot water over, it turns out that the bureau also “had a recording of another Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, denying that the campaign was involved in the Russian hack-and-leak operation against the Democratic National Committee.

That’s probably the one in question because it was Heide who handled the operation targeting Papadopoulos. He was hounded into pleading guilty to get the bureau off his back, accused of “lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts.” He had to spend 12 days in jail but was pardoned by President Donald Trump and allowed to get on with his life.

Kevin Clinesmith, who intentionally forged an email in order to deceive the FISA court into approving the Carter Page warrant was sentenced to 12 months probation and 400 hours community service for the crime as well as ruining Page’s life and reputation.


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