NO: Race Had Nothing to Do With it


In his groundbreaking interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that has shattered the mainstream media’s leftist race narrative, Kyle Rittenhouse issued a jaw-dropping proclamation “I support the BLM movement.” Somebody needs to tell that to the likes of NBC’s  Averi Harper who opined, “For many, the trial and the reaction from Republicans, serve indications of deep racial divisions that exist across the country despite 2020’s so-called racial reckoning.” Averi isn’t alone though, the entire MSM is painting the Rittenhouse ruling as some sort of racial catastrophe, setting the civil rights movement back decades.

It doesn’t help that writers like Harper frame the incident like so, “On the right, there have also been attempts to lionize Rittenhouse portraying him the patron saint of the second amendment and self-defense because he shot Black Lives Matter protestors.”

Averi’s premise is objectively wrong based on Rittenhouse’s testimony and his actions most of all that night. Indeed that night a majority of the people he assisted were rioters.

Rittenhouse explains in full,

 “I’m not a racist person. I support the BLM movement. I support people demonstrating. I believe there needs to be changed. I believe there is a lot of prosecutorial conduct, not just in my case but other cases. It’s amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of somebody, like if they did this to me imagine what they could have done to a person of color who maybe doesn’t have the resources I do or widely publicized like my case.”  

It Was Never About Race, It’s About AgitProp

As more and more information comes out regarding the events of August 25th, 2020 in Kenosha, WI the constant barrage of false reporting that there was a racial motivation to Kyle Rittehouse’s actions that night dissolves completely, bereft of any credibility and leaves behind only the foul stench of engineered, purposeful propaganda more specifically what the soviets would call “agitprop, political strategy in which the techniques of agitation and propaganda are used to influence and mobilize public opinion.” Propaganda that designed to agitate the masses and mobilize them toward an uprising.

Averi Harper’s very brief write-up is but one example in the written medium. There are hundreds of thousands of articles that are similar or worse. There are thousands of hours of video, millions of tweets, and Facebook posts. All across the mainstream media, this poison is being pumped into the minds of our people, pushing us inexorably to a battle that the leftists in power believe whole-heartedly they can and should win. While the immensity of their miscalculation cannot be overstated, no matter the outcome: the tragic cost to our nation and the world will be beyond all comprehension. Recent estimates 620,000 men on both sides of the fight lost their lives in the First American Civil War, overshadowing ALL American losses in foreign wars combined. Most hypothetical scenarios that have explored the concept of a Second US Civil war envision a death toll between ten and seventy million.



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