Leaked Biden Emails


Leaked Biden campaign emails show that the disconnect between Conservatives, Libertarians, and America-First Republicans and the Progressive, Democrat-Socialist homunculus known at the DNC has become fatal. While creators, outlets, and millions of everyday citizens politically aligned to the right have been calling out for nearly a decade that social media are disproportionately censoring conservative and Pro-Trump content, the Democrats were and indeed STILL ARE telling Facebook that they aren’t censoring the right enough!

CNN true to form has wrapped these leaked emails into a narrative describing the #StopTheSteal movement and efforts to #TrueTheVote and #CountEveryVote as insurrectionist, dangerous and treasonous. Interestingly enough, they didn’t actually publish the emails which had to be taken from video screen grabs.

Leaked Leaked

In response to a video message from Donald Trump, Jr. in which he called for an “army for Trump’s election security effort” which to any rational thinking human being simply means: a lot of volunteers, the ridiculously hyperbolic Democrats shrieked to Facebook that this was a militarization of the Trump campaign!

“The fact that this video is still on your platform — and is being used to recruit some sort of, and I quote, ‘army for Trump’s election security effort’ — is astounding. It is impossible to reconcile this with any of the policies regarding voting and voter suppression that Facebook has released over the past 3 years and emphasized to us privately in several dozen conversations.”

According to CNN “after a Facebook official responded explaining the video did not violate the site’s policies that would warrant its removal, the Biden official responded with exasperation.”

The Democrats went on to complain, “The Trump Campaign has received the message that they may put videos on your platform saying that millions of fraudulent votes will be used to steal the election. And the solution to that is for ‘able-bodied people’ to enlist in an ‘army.’ So, their shrieks of fraud compound and their calls to ‘enlist’ multiply. Good gracious,” the Biden official wrote.

“I struggle to believe that is the precedent you are intending to set.”

The Biden campaign, seemingly enraged that Trump’s supporters were given ANY voice at all pressed all the way to attack Facebook. Lashing out at the very hand that practically gave them the WhiteHouse.

“We implore you to approach this problem with seriousness and a sense of mission. We have found that to be lacking thus far. If the effort and mental gymnastics undertaken to allow this post to remain on your platform were instead devoted to carrying out your acknowledged responsibility to democracy, we might see some progress.”

Facebook’s Leaked Response Had Team Biden Seething

 A Facebook spokesperson, Andy Stone, took issue with the allegation that the platform did little to combat misinformation and content that promoted political violence.
“Creating a positive environment on our services is not just better for people, it’s also better for our business. That’s why we’ve designed our algorithms to limit clickbait and sensationalist content, which turns people away,” Stone said.
“It’s also why we’ve done more than any other internet company to combat harmful content, including limiting content that sought to delegitimize the outcome of the election, both before and after January 6.
We banned hundreds of militarized social movements, took down tens of thousands of QAnon pages, groups, and accounts from our apps, removed the original #StopTheSteal Group, labeled candidates’ posts that sought to prematurely declare victory, and suspended former President Trump from our platform for at least two years.”
In short: Facebook has AGGRESSIVELY cracked down upon the Republican Party, and Conservatives everywhere. And the leftists are very, very angry. That it hasn’t been enough. Breitbart reported that “CNN’s own reporting confirms that Facebook changed its policies following the email exchange with Biden officials, yet goes on to quote Democrat activists who complain that the platform is still not censoring enough conservative content.”
The social media platform was placed under MASSIVE pressure by the Biden Campaign, the Democratic National Convention, and the mainstream media who all universally DEMANDED that in addition to Mark Zuckerberg bank-rolling efforts to force total mail-in-voting on the nation… it simply isn’t good enough.
The LEFT. DEMANDS. MORE. And they will not settle for anything less than the complete silencing and censorship of all speech that doesn’t conform to their narratives. Now that these emails have been leaked, there is no denying that social media platforms were in fact: complicit in “The Steal”, and will go down in history for their corrupt, shadowy incestuous alliance with the Biden-Harris regimen there can no longer be any denying it.


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