Incriminating Biden Audio

hunter biden audio
MILWAUKEE, WI - AUGUST 20: In this screenshot from the DNCC’s livestream of the 2020 Democratic National Convention, Hunter Biden, son of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, addresses the virtual convention on August 20, 2020. The convention, which was once expected to draw 50,000 people to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is now taking place virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by DNCC via Getty Images) (Photo by Handout/DNCC via Getty Images)

Yet another piece of incriminating evidence slithered out of Hunter Biden’s laptop, in the form of a really damaging audio tape. Damaging to Joe Biden. He brags to a close confidant about how his dad will do anything for him. That’s a lot of power to hold over the alleged leader of the free world. The family dynamics on display, author Douglas Murray notes, are “not a good and healthy sign.

Hunter had dad around his finger

Hunter Biden was convinced in his own mind that he had his dad wrapped around his finger. Surprisingly, that’s not an unusual thing in dynastic families. In Britain, they see the behavior in royalty all the time.

As author of War on the West, Douglas Murray, explains in a British accent, the young playboy “bears out this thing that every monarchy knows. What do you do with the prince? The prince is always a problem. And it’s particularly a problem if the prince is not going to get to the throne.

Since the big question for Hunter is: “how do you get him to set down the crack pipe?” there’s a huge challenge figuring out how to deal with him politically.

This was clearly an issue in the family. He says in this leaked audio, I think my father’s God. And the thing is, he’s told me since the age of two that I’m God.” It’s okay to feel you have godlike qualities but when you start playing with them it’s a different story.

Hunter, it seems, “has this extraordinary mixture of incredible self-doubt, self-loathing, self-esteem, and extraordinary self-esteem to say, I can tell my father what to say and he’ll say it.

Whether you’re in politics or not, a little princeling dauphin or not, that is not a good and healthy sign in a family.

Pedophile with homicidal tendencies

In 2018, while he was sleeping with his brother’s widow, Hallie, she got him in hot water with the FBI by tossing his handgun in the trash. A dumpster diving bum turned it in to police. He came totally unglued. In a text thread spanning several hours on October 23, 2018, Hunter ripped her a new one “for tossing the .38-caliber revolver in a garbage bin outside a grocery store in Wilmington, Delaware.” He was terrified.

I won’t ever recover from this. There are 5 guns in dads house. There are f​—ing more weapons in your sons room then in an armory. What’s my f— up? Owning a gun?” The FBI told him she was afraid he would shoot her with it.

You now have me as an abusive pedophile with homicidal tendencies and that’s now in the hands of the FBI.” He was just a tad upset with her. “It’s hard to believe that anyone is so stupid.” Speaking of stupid, he claimed he left the gun in question “in a locked car hidden on another property.” She corrected Hunter on that point.

The car where she found the gun was “open, unlocked and windows down.” The kids searched it. That’s how it was found. He lied to the Secret Service about it. “She stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can full to the top at Jansens [sic]. Then told me it was my problem to deal with.

Secret Service agents tried to shake down the store who sold it to him for the paperwork but they wouldn’t turn it over until they got the proper subpoenas.

The gun Hunter misplaced “was later returned by a man who had been searching the trash for recyclables and no arrests were made or charges filed in connection with the incident.” Hallie only had one piece of advice. “Check yourself into a local rehab Hunter, this has all got to stop.


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