Homeland Security Throwing a MUTINY…He Must Be FIRED


Employees in the oversight office of Homeland Security are throwing a mutiny, demanding somebody fire IG Joseph Cuffari, right now. The deplorably Donald Trump supporting watchdog of an inspector general has everyone who works for him ready to riot.

Domestic Security IG under fire

Our Minister of Domestic Security has been running around babbling about how safe and secure the southern border is, despite 2.2 million illegal aliens and terrorists pouring through in the past year alone. IG Joseph Cuffari is supposed to make sure that everything in the department is done properly and legally but his employees have thrown him to the wolves.

Several anonymous staffers vented in a letter to Joe Biden intercepted by the Project on Government Oversight. He’s one of those MAGA Republican domestic terrorists that Merrick Garland warned everyone about.

The mission of DHS OIG is to provide independent oversight and promote excellence, integrity, and accountability within DHS,” the employees note. The IG himself is blowing it for the rest of the office by saying that the border should actually be closed in order to be secure.

Concerned DHSOIG employees representing every program office at every grade level,” didn’t want to reveal their names for fear of retaliation. Because, they write, “the highest priorities of an inspector general are integrity and independence,” somebody needs to get him out of the way.

IG Cuffari “and his inner circle of senior leaders have fallen short in these areas time and time again,” they reveal. They spell out details in a two-page letter.

Cuffari “has derailed the office’s work and integrity, including significantly editing reports to remove key findings and interfering with staff efforts to gather information.” There is no indication how many whistleblowers were involved.

Staff don’t trust him

It’s not easy working in an office where the staff don’t trust the boss. The Deep State rat “has permanently damaged the reputation of DHS OIG, which already suffered public scandals and mismanagement.

He no longer has the support of his workforce. Staff do not trust IG Cuffari and his senior leadership to make the right decision.” All his office has to say back is that employee surveys indicated “overwhelmingly positive” feedback.

Lawmakers are already on top of it. As CNN reports, their letter “comes after a barrage of accusations from lawmakers that Cuffari and top deputies dramatically mismanaged investigations and possibly engaged in a coverup.


The IG is supposed to be looking into missing Secret Service text messages. Democrats are furious with him.

Democratic lawmakers called for IG Cuffari “to hand his investigation into the Secret Service to a peer inspector general, citing numerous reports that Cuffari’s office has inexplicably manipulated the investigation.” The only reason the workers don’t like him is because he’s a deplorable Trump supporter.

Your obstruction of the Committees’ investigations is unacceptable, and your justifications for this noncompliance appear to reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of Congress’s authority and your duties as an Inspector General. If you continue to refuse to comply with our requests, we will have no choice but to consider alternate measures to ensure your compliance.” They’ll have him tortured.


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