Here’s Kamala Harris’ DELUSIONAL Belief of The Southern Border


ICYMI – Looks like Kamala Harris has been smoking that weed which makes you hear music from the future again. She actually believes that the border is secure. All that rainbow fentanyl and those three guys in ghillie suits are perfectly safe.

Kamala insists border is secure

According to Kamala Harris all those bus loads of immigrants being dropped off in D.C. are figments of Muriel Bowser’s demented imagination. There is no way people could simply walk across our southern border because it is totally secure.

Not a single piece of contraband, weapon, or terrorist could possibly get through. All the hype and hoopla is nothing but distraction from the real issue, lack of cheap labor.

When Kamala met the press, it happened to be the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terror attack on the world trade center. When liberal NBC anchor Chuck Todd asked if she thinks the border is secure, he actually believed her answer.

The border is perfectly secure, she declares. The problem is Donald Trump. The way he choked off the flow is what created a problem for Democrats. The immigration system, she insists, was “broken” under the deplorable Trump administration and still “needs to be fixed.

Forgetting completely that we have a “pathway to citizenship” in America called “immigration and naturalization” which requires people to fill out applications, pay fees and prove they aren’t a threat to the nation, Kamala insists we need one. What she really wants is a path to “amnesty.”

She already asked Congress to “pass a bill to create a pathway to citizenship.” She apparently doesn’t like the one we have. “The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular, over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed.

Just walk right in

Amazingly, Todd bothered to follow up. C’mon Kamala, he jibed, you don’t expect us to believe that crap do you? “We’re going to have two million people cross this border for the first time ever. You’re confident this border’s secure?” Yes, Todd, she is.

We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration,” Harris babbled. Thinking on her feet, she realized she would have to give some ground because her position is totally indefensible.

But there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix given the deterioration that happened over the last four years. We also have to put into place a law and a plan for a pathway for citizenship for the millions of people who are here and are prepared to do what is legally required to gain citizenship.


What they are required to do is follow the immigration process. That takes too long for Democrats, Kamala explains. They need each and every immigrant legally able to vote in the 2024 election. To do that, they have to be actual citizens, pronto. That can’t happen under the laws we actually have.

They don’t have full automatic citizenship for anyone who wanders in yet because “people are playing politics in a state like this and in Congress,” she added, referring to Texas. By playing politics, Kamala means insisting that the laws be enforced.

She’s allegedly the one supposed to be responsible for managing the flood of illegals coming in. She managed it so well that it has reached a record breaking 2 million this year. Including three in ghillie suits who nobody wants to talk about.


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