Gunman Opens Fire at PD HQ


A crazed gunman is dead after running into the Stockton Police Department parking lot and charging at police officers while firing a 32 caliber Colt 1903 pistol at the officers gathered there. The incident happened at about 8:30 PM PM PST in the evening of December 8th at the SPD Operations building according to The Police Tribune. Reports indicate that five officers returned fire striking the assailant multiple times, he was pronounced dead at the scene. None of the officers were injured in the dramatic shootout.

Half-Naked Gunman Charges The Police

KCRA Sacramento reported on the disturbing events in detail, “The man parked his vehicle down the street, removed his shirt before walking toward the department while firing a handgun wildly into the air and near cars in the department’s lot, police said.

Stockton police said people in the parking lot began calling 911.

Police said that after the man began firing the handgun, six officers came outside the building. The man then threw himself on the ground and was acting erratic and violent, according to Stockton Police Chief Eric Jones.

“Suddenly the man stood up quickly and charged, almost as if at a sprint, right towards the officers with his weapon pointed at the officers,” Jones said.

No motive has been identified at this point, though Jones did say,

“there’s certainly a possibility here that it is what’s known as death by suicide by law enforcement. That’s certainly a possibility, a strong possibility.”

Stockton PD Chief: “We’re seeing more cases like this”, “ambushes or assaults on police officers”

He continued, “Unfortunately, we’re seeing more cases like this, not just in our area — whether it be ambushes or assaults on police officers or their building or operations buildings. We’ve been seeing an increase of this really nationally and it’s extremely concerning,” said Chief Jones. According to a follow-up statement, Officers began life-saving measures immediately upon securing their attacker until medics arrived. Unfortunately, they were unable to save him.


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