Clinton Global Flight Log With Jeffrey Epstein


As the nation and the world tune in to as frequent reporting as the courts will allow in the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, it bears some remembrance of precisely what is at state in this legal drama. The facts bear out that in spite of Democrat-appointed Judge Allison Nathan‘s ruling to block “sensational and impure” information from being reported in court documents, the global power elite and major Democrat players such as Former President Bill Clinton traveled aboard the infamous “Lolita Express” with both Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein at least 26 times as confirmed by flight logs. The plethora of some of the most wealthy and influential people on the planet have had their names revealed by the flight logs of Epstein’s aircraft which housed untold horrors of sexually trafficking minors, with crimes taking place both in the air and on the private island these victims were whisked away to with the most powerful men and women in the world.

As patriotone.substack reported,

“Clinton’s relationship with Epstein is somewhat opaque. We know Clinton had close ties to Epstein. There are claims that Clinton went to Epstein’s private island with two young girls, which the former president has denied.

Maxwell Trial Tracker @TrackerTrial

Giuffre said in a 2016 deposition: “You know, I remember asking Jeffrey what’s Bill Clinton doing here on Epstein’s island, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well he owes me favors.'”

November 23rd 2021


Flight Log Glimpses What A Judge Says You’re Not Allowed To Know

We should probably also mention that the Judge presiding over Maxwell’s fate was appointed by Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer and is very, VERY chummy with the Biden administration, and is now a nominee for the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Which we’re sure has nothing to do with her handling of this ‘little problem’.
It’s incredibly important to recall that there most assuredly is a reason why Bill Clinton with all of the resources of his and Hillary’s independent wealth as well as his capacity to use USAF transportation nearly at will by virtue of being a former President. There is absolutely a reason that he chose to fly aboard the Lolita Express on no less than 26 separate occasions. And a lot of very powerful, very well connected people are willing to take some extremely obvious and direct measures to prevent that knowledge from becoming public.


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