Fusion GPS in Panic Mode Over Clinton Emails


Fusion GPS is in panic mode over the latest round of Durham filings. They’re desperate enough to drag Perkins Coie into the fray, fighting to hide incriminating emails proving Hillary Clinton, or at the very least, her campaign, engineered the weaponization of the Justice Department against a political rival.

Meltdown at Fusion GPS

Lawyers with Perkins Coie aren’t stupid enough to represent themselves in court so they lawyered up and hired Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher to do their dirty work. GDC gets the lucky job of presenting alleged attorney-client privilege claims protecting Hillary Clinton and her cronies.

Fusion GPS doesn’t want anyone to see their internal emails with Hillary Clinton’s minions. The ones discussing the plot to frame Donald Trump.

Special Counsel John Durham doesn’t get spotted in public much but his team loves late night case filings. This time, a flurry of motions are flying like snowflakes. He says Perkins Coie can take their “privilege” and stick it.

They’re trying to sit on “1,455 documents withheld by Fusion GPS” but only “18 emails actually involve an attorney.” That means “attorney-client privilege cannot be applied.” At least, not to 1,437 of those records.

Durham’s case against former Perkins Coie partner and Clinton fixer Michael Sussmann accuses him of intentionally “lying about his client representations during a 2016 meeting with the FBI about allegations of Trump’s ties to Russia.

The whole Trump-Russia collusion thing was a setup and the CIA knew it way back then. Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson were the ones who hired and directed the notorious Christopher Steele.

Protected? Maybe not

Hillary’s campaign officials are going spastic trying to keep those emails secret. They’re frantically declaring to the judge that their communications with with Fusion GPS aren’t relevant to the criminal case against Sussmann.

On Tuesday, April 19, they claimed in paperwork that each and every one of their 2016 messages are “protected.” They might not be. When Sussmann goes to court on May 16, the jury might just get a peek at those emails.

Fusion, through two teams of lawyers, argues that the privilege applies because “it had been hired by the Democratic National Committee’s law firm.” What Perkins Coie hired them for, they write, was “to help prepare a defense” when Donald Trump would inevitably sue them for defamation “over their Russia claims.” That makes it sound even sneakier. Durham knows that Sussmann knowingly lied when he approached the FBI as “a concerned citizen” in September 2016.

He handed over “alleged DNS (Domain Name System) traffic between Russia-based Alfa Bank and a server operated by a Michigan managed-care healthcare group somehow associated with the Trump Organization.” He had it all custom crafted to his specifications and Durham knows who did the work.

Fusion GPS was fully responsible for Steele and his dirty dossier. They peddled the disinformation all over Washington. When the FBI started smelling something fishy, they got another copy in the works by deceiving John McCain to slip it in the back door as fresh material.

Even though they questioned everything as way too good to be true, the FBI and DOJ still used it all when they lied and forged documents to get an ear inside Trump Tower. Another thing that came out of this recent filing is the fact that five of Hillary Clinton’s minions have officially stated on the record that if they say another word it will put them in jail because they would be admitting criminal activity.


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