FBI Caught Up in Another Massive F*ck Up


The FBI just got caught with their pants around their ankles and a contraceptive device hanging from their privates, yet they still won’t admit they “effed up.” It wasn’t me baby, they impossibly plead. In political speak, “under consideration” means “we lost the file.” Under “active consideration” means “we’re looking for it.” When it comes to the evidence file backing up the Carter Page wiretap, the Federal Bureau of Instigation is trying real hard to come up with something to diplomatically say “someone intentionally destroyed the file to keep it from sending half of Barack Obama’s administration to the gallows.”

The FBI acts totally clueless

Conservative political journalist Sara Carter wants to know “why didn’t anyone know until now?” She had a deep and detailed conversation with “a source with knowledge of the circumstances.” From what that source said, they seem to be extremely well positioned to be making such observations. “The real story here is how does the FBI, Special Counsel’s Office and Inspector General figure out if the Wood’s file went missing through malice or through incompetence.” The bureau better consider the answer to that very carefully because, “either answer doesn’t reflect well on this investigation.” With the “original Wood’s file missing, investigators now will be unable to properly determine where or how the information presented to the FISC was verified, altered or omitted,” multiple sources confirm.

The original “Woods file,” detailing all the evidence, suspiciously went missing as long as two years ago and not many people ever had access to the evidence. To cover up the crime, someone at the FBI “recreated” the documents which were supposed to be in the folder. When Special Counsel Robert Mueller conducted his witch-hunt of an inquisition, his team only saw the forgeries. Joe Pientka was interrogated by both DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Special Prosecutor John Durham but managed to conceal the fact that they had to use swapped documents to get the FISA warrant from the secret court.

Even though the originals had been “missing for an unknown period of time, possibly up to two years, officials did not become aware it had disappeared
until last week during a closed-door Senate Intelligence Committee hearing.” The purpose of that hearing was to interview Supervisory Special Agent Joe Pientka with a blowtorch. “Other FBI officials” were on hand for the grilling. Apparently Pientka is trying to get a better deal by “cooperating with Justice Department officials and members of Congress.” So far, he’s kept his job. At the time, Pientka was in charge of the Woods procedures and the only other one who would have worked with the file was former Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok who ultimately verified the bogus contents.

Carter Page says ‘I told you so’

Recently, FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith “pleaded guilty to altering an email that would have cleared any suspicion about Page conspiring with Russians. The email was verification that Page was acting on behalf of the CIA and had cooperated with the U.S. government on numerous occasions.” That should have been in the original file too. Carter Page couldn’t wait to tell the world “I told you so.”

As soon as he heard the news, he put out an official statement noting, “after years of waiting for basic level of accountability in the U.S. intelligence community and the Democratic party, the crooks continue to roam free in Washington.” As “we approach the next presidential election, these latest small steps by the DOJ and FBI have not yet sufficiently addressed the criminal acts by ruthlessly partisan political actors in the swamp. The cancerous abuses by the once-respected National Security Division have still not found an effective remedy, following the destruction of so many loyal American citizens.”

Carter Page has a valid right to be upset with the FBI. His life was ripped apart “when members of the intelligence community and federal law enforcement apparatus began leaking false information to the media.” Now we know that not only did they use an “unverified FISA application, that was later discovered to have numerous errors and omissions,” The whole file was “purposefully” patched together with scotch tape to “obtain the warrant to spy on him.” Once they got the warrant, it needed to be periodically renewed. They had to “recreate” the documents from the original warrant to fill out the paperwork to get it extended.


Strzok’s emails fill in the blanks

Peter Strzok was sleeping with DOJ lawyer Lisa Page even though both of them were married to other people. The lovers exchanged a scandalous volume of anti-Trump text messages which shed light on the puzzle now that more of the pieces are coming together. In one exchange from October of 2016, Strzok emails Page about the FISA. “The back and forth included former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and how they would get him to push the DOJ to sign off on the warrant to spy on Carter Page.” McCabe and Strzok have both been fired for lying to IG Horowitz.

One email bore the subject line, “Crossfire FISA” which is what the Obamagate conspirators called their plot to overthrow President Donald Trump with now debunked Russia collusion stories. The liberal lovers “discussed what they would tell McCabe regarding the FISA.” They wanted the FBI bureaucrat to sign off on it without taking too hard a look at it. “At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him,” said Strzok to Page on Oct. 14, 2016.

“Still an expedite?” another of the emails reads. Sara Carter explains, “the reason they were expediting the process was because the election was only months away and the agents were desperate to have access to Carter Page’s communications.” FBI rat Strzok tapped out, “any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by? I know it’s not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don’t want this waiting on us at all.”



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