Data Paints a Very Dark Situation for Law Enforcement and Their Loved Ones


Christopher Wray is going out of his way to scare local law enforcement officers into quitting their jobs. The alleged director of the Federal Bureau of Instigation may not remember the emails he was grilled about last week but under the guise of expressing “sympathy” for the situation, he plays fortune teller to turn over the Tarot card which paints a grim picture of death, for cops who dare to stay on patrol.

Defunding local law to death

Law enforcement officers at the local level of city and state police are being murdered in record numbers. The best solution to the problem offered by Joe Biden and the Imperial Palace is just go ahead and quit. As soon as they get their way, every little police department will be defunded out of existence anyway. They might as well get a jump toward the exit.

Christopher Wray doesn’t help the situation any by saying how sorry he is that so many cops are getting killed. In the kingdom building way of Washington politics, Wray and his federal shock troops are first in line to step in and take control when local police can’t do it. That would be a huge promotion, making him “Minister of Domestic Security.”

Christopher Wray attended last month’s event under the pretext of thanking the nation’s law enforcement officers “for their continued dedication to keep citizens safe.”

The focus of his speech was an anti-pep talk designed to send the message to police, “why are you still here?” He pretended to give “his condolences to the families who lost a loved one while on the line of duty.” The impression he gave each attendee is “you could be next.”

The thing about 2020 that stands out the most in the mind of Christopher Wray is how it “was one of the deadliest years for law enforcement in our nation’s history.” It’s only going to get worse, he promises.

“Sadly, 2021 is looking grim too.” He was sure to point out, we’ve “lost beloved colleagues to line of duty deaths, from gunfire and car crashes, and our people have faced a significant new risk from COVID.” If Antifa® supplied soldiers of the Black Lives Matter™ army don’t get you, the Asian Andromeda Strain will.

Officer Down Memorial

The Officer Down Memorial event was gathered to mark the passing of 366 officers who “lost their lives on the line of duty last year.”

Law enforcement officials solidly blame the rising number of fatalities on “the tense relationship between officers and the communities they serve as defund the police movements swept the nation.” Wray was proud to announce that FBI statistics show that murders are up 25 percent.

Data just out from bureau bean counters reveals that there has been a whopping 39% jump in law enforcement officer deaths “in the past five months in comparison to the same time last year.”

Republican Governors are battling to get laws on the books banning efforts to “defund” police departments. Florida’s Ron DeSantis just signed one such “anti-riot bill” to make sure police in his state will have all the financial backing they need to keep their residents safe.

Greg Abbott of Texas and Brian Kemp of Georgia are on board with the plan, signing similar bills to block efforts to yank police funding.

As DeSantis explained regarding his state’s version, “This bill actually prevents against local governments defunding law enforcement. We’ll be able to stop it at the state level. If you look at some of these places that have done this, they’ve already seen crime go up even just diverting some of the funding.”


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