Committee Defunds Pentagon Discrimination Against Conservatives


Discrimination against conservative nationalists just got defunded. It’s too soon to see if it will stick though. The Pentagon considers liberal Democrat “woke” ideology to be so important that training on diversity, equity and inclusion is mandatory but any conservative view is considered “extremism.” The Senate Armed Services Committee just took issue with that.

Stop the discrimination

The Senate Armed Services Committee just sent a loud and clear message to the Pentagon along with the latest National Defense Authorization Act to stop their discrimination against conservatives.

The report made public on July 18 spells out that “spending additional time and resources to combat exceptionally rare instances of extremism in the military is an inappropriate use of taxpayer funds, and should be discontinued by the Department of Defense immediately.

The network media is avoiding that story like it has Monkeypox. The warning isn’t “legally binding on the Pentagon” but it does send “a signal of congressional opposition to efforts to counter extremist narratives in the military.

There again, that word “extremist” is used only when applied to conservatives. Especially deplorable supporters of Donald Trump. Singling out individuals because of their political views is discrimination.

The DOD decided to start the discrimination after learning “dozens of people charged with ransacking the Capitol on January 6, 2021, were former or current service personnel.” That’s all the justification they needed. Liberals in Washington are going spastic.

What is the impact on morale, good order and discipline, and ultimately combat effectiveness, if the men and women in our incredibly diverse and all-volunteer military believe that the Department of Defense doesn’t have their backs when it comes to white supremacy, support for jihadism, misogynist extremism, or anti-LGBTQ+ extremism?


It works both ways

What does it say to the conservative service members when military leaders force woke diversity down their throats?

Servicemen in tight quarters on small ships for long stretches at sea don’t always appreciate the rights of their gay shipmates. Discrimination works both ways. If the conservative views are to be suppressed, the liberal views should be equally squashed.

A lot could happen to the language in the NDAA before it gets to Joe Biden’s desk. He signs anything they set in front of him without reading it, anyway. Democratic opposition in both chambers could result in deleting or altering the language about discrimination.

According to controversial General Mark Milley, the Pentagon spent “at least $500,000 dealing with the issue and that each service member had spent an average of two hours per year discussing it.

Soldiers and sailors are expected to sit through hours and hours of diversity training so that everyone can feel comfortable at all times. There is clearly an attitude of discrimination against anyone who has a family with mom, dad, siblings and pets which may or may not also be raised for food. Some enjoy hunting or fishing.

Some have religious preferences. Ones which tell them that what they learn in diversity class is perfectly normal and acceptable behavior would have them burning in hell for eternity. They don’t feel real comfortable in today’s military either.


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