Citizen Reporter Catches Angry Empty Hospital Workers Off Guard “Where Are the Patients?” [Video]

Citizen Reporter Catches Angry Empty Hospital Workers Off Guard

A citizen reporter caught hospital workers off guard after visiting a hospital in Virginia and finding it practically empty.

Months after Democrats insisted that lockdowns and mask orders were needed because hospitals would be overwhelmed due to the coronavirus, people are discovering that hospitals are practically empty.

People have lost their jobs, are in danger of losing their homes without income to pay their rent or mortgages, and are stuck in their homes unable to see their loved ones. But the reasons behind the lockdowns don’t seem to be true.

The video shared by the citizen reporter is catching a lot of attention on social media.

In the video, he shows an empty hospital waiting room, with angry hospital staff trying to kick him out.

He questions the staff about where all the patients are, and asks why, if the hospital is not overrun from COVID, are so many small businesses and restaurants closed?

The staff remains mostly silent, refusing to answer his questions, and has security force him out of the building into the parking lot.

Watch the video (warning: language at the end):

Twitter users responded to the video, thanking the citizen journalist for his work, with many users confirming that they have seen similar evidence.

“I travel weekly to hospitals nationwide … and have non stop. It’s a lie. There is NO spike .. they are NOT full … it’s complete and utter political bullshit,” said one user.

A user from the UK agreed, pointing out that TikTok videos of hospital staff singing and dancing have become popular during the COVID pandemic, which may indicate that they must not be too busy.

“Same here in UK. The only footage we see from the inside of the NHS by MSN is set up for the cameras. Alternatively its outrageous tik tok tripe of staff singing and dancing, as they obviously have nothing better to do??” the user wrote.



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