Carter Page Files MASSIVE Lawsuit Against Deep State Operatives


Going into the 2016 election, Carter Page was a campaign adviser to Donald Trump. This week, he filed a massive lawsuit in D.C. District Court for a phenomenal amount of damages. The price of admission, his lawyers assert, is $75 million. But the sky’s the limit when the jury gets to see it and that’s not even factoring in possible punitive damages. Not only did he sue the Federal Government, the FBI, and the DOJ, he named every individual from James Comey on down. The rule of law frowns on those meant to enforce the law who break it instead.

Carter Page demands justice

His name has become a household word, initially smeared as a Russian spy, but now hailed as a hero for standing tough in the face of an illegal assault aimed right in his face.

High ranking officials in Barack Obama’s Department of Justice illegally conspired with Deep State operatives inside the Federal Bureau of Instigation and weaponized the official apparatus to frame Carter Page in secret “star chamber” FISA court proceedings.

Now he’s in another court. This time the proceedings are public and the light of day can shine into all the deep dark corners of Obamagate corruption.

His lawyers used a full 59 pages to spell out all the nasty allegations. All the rats who conspired together directly to intentionally mislead a powerful court as to who Carter Page really was were named explicitly, so they can be held accountable.

Folks like FBI Director James Comey, Assistant Director Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page. Below them Kevin Clinessmith, Joe Pientka, Stephen Somma, and Brian Auten were the Obamagate plumbers who performed the illegal black op.

So far, Clinesmith is the only one to admit guilt. He threw himself under the bus to protect his superiors after intentionally creating a forgery of an email to trick the judges into thinking that Page was a Russian spy when he was really working undercover for the CIA.

The original email said he WAS a CIA “source.” When Clinesmith got done, he was “NOT” a CIA source.

FISA Act claims

The first four counts of the lawsuit all allege claims under the FISA act. The FBI and DOJ illegally and criminally used false and misleading evidence to get Carter Page wired for sound.

Even after their fishing expedition came up empty, they continued to have the wiretap warrant renewed for a total of three extensions beyond the initial expiration.

He’s suing for each one because every one was an obvious and intentional deception.

Under the FISA Act, any “aggrieved person who has been subjected to an electronic surveillance or about whom information obtained by electronic surveillance of such person has been disclosed” can sue for damages.

Not only does Carter Page have civil claims, it’s a criminal offense to illegally “engage in electronic surveillance under color of law.” That means that the FBI will soon be investigating the FBI.

Separately, he filed a claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act which makes Uncle Sam liable for civil wrongs “in the same manner and to the same extent as a private individual under like circumstances.”

He’s filing that charge because individual defendants “committed an abuse of process because they acted with an ulterior motive in using the FISA warrant process to accomplish an end unintended and not permitted by law, to wit, to spy on the Trump presidential campaign by unlawfully invading the privacy of Dr. Page without probable cause.”

Dr. Page wants his record cleared

Above and beyond that, Carter Page entitled to damages “from the individual government actors responsible for violating the plaintiff’s Fourth Amendment right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures, when the defendants “act willfully, knowingly, or with a reckless disregard for the truth.”

That would be Comey and his crew of Obamagate plumbers. Finally, he wants his record cleaned up.

Page was “falsely portrayed as a traitor to his country,” and he’s not happy about that at all. “Carter’s life has been seriously damaged by the false accusation that he was a Russian spy. It is high time that he receives compensation for the gross and deliberate violations of his civil liberties by government officials.”


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