This is a very cool report about something that completely backfired on Joe Biden and Democrats.
We have to go all the way back to the waning days of the first Trump administration for a trap that was set.
That trap resulted in several Trump appointees being fired, which was litigated, and while that decision benefitted Biden at the time, it will be Trump who truly benefits from the court precedent.
Thanks, Joe
As Trump was leaving office, he put a bunch of allies into seats for military Board of Visitors positions.
One of those was Sean Spicer, who was appointed to the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy.
Trump also appointed Kellyanne Conway to the same position for the Air Force, with all of these board seats being three-year appointments.
Biden fired them all right out of the gate, which then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tried to explain away.
She stated, “I will let others evaluate whether they think Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer and others were qualified or not political, to serve on these boards.
“But the president’s qualification requirements are not your party registration. They are whether you’re qualified to serve and whether you are aligned with the values of this administration.”
As I noted above, these firings were litigated, and the court ruled that as they were appointments, the president had the power to fire them all.
Spicer did not fight back at all. In fact, he just took a victory lap over the decision. He stated, “What no one ever understood was this was not about actually getting back on the board, because my term had been expired for months.
“It was forcing them to argue in the affirmative that they had the ultimate authority to fire anybody at any time, which they did.
“And the court accepted that. So the Biden administration is now on record in court, and the court agreed that the president had absolute authority to fire anyone he wants.”
This means that as soon as Trump takes office, every presidential appointment made by Biden can be fired, and there is a court precedent to back it up.
This will help Trump rid agencies of swamp members and get all of his own people in there.
So, like Spicer hinted, this was a huge win at the time, only Biden never realized he fell right into the trap set in case Trump won a second term.