Antifa Teacher Exposed, This is What He Was Doing to Children


Far too often, everyday Americans are discouraged when the efforts of groups like Project Veritas, PragerU, TurningPointUSA, and many others are stymied, suppressed, or culminate in nothing. When the entrenched leftists in our educational system and in our government institutions are so deeply ingrained that they cannot be rooted out swiftly or easily it’s easy to become discouraged. But thanks to the actions of Project Veritas, and the horrific classroom behavior of the far-leftist radical they exposed was so clear and so heinous, the Natomas Unified School District was forced by a horde of outraged parents to act.

Take notice: this is how we start to take back our country. Just look at what this avowed Antifa terrorist organizer was doing to children in his California classroom.

The ANTIFA Extremist Indoctrinating Children EXPOSED

Here are some highlights of what Mr. Gabriel Gipe, an Advanced Placement Government Teacher at Inderkum High School in Sacramento, CA told an undercover Project Veritas journalist. Brace yourself, this should stir in you a rage not unlike what the Natomas Unified School District suddenly found themselves subject to.

“I have 180 days to turn them [students] into revolutionaries…Scare the f*ck out of them.”

“I’m probably as far left as you can go.”

 “I post a calendar every week…I’ve had students show up for protests, community events, tabling, food distribution, all sorts of things…When they go, they take pictures, write up a reflection — that’s their extra credit.”

“So, they [students] take an ideology quiz and I put [the results] on the [classroom] wall. Every year, they get further and further left…I’m like, ‘These ideologies are considered extreme, right? Extreme times breed extreme ideologies.’ Right? There is a reason why Generation Z, these kids, are becoming further and further left.”

“I have an Antifa flag on my [classroom] wall and a student complained about that — he said it made him feel uncomfortable. Well, this [Antifa flag] is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that this [Antifa flag] is antithetical to.”

 “Like, why aren’t people just taking up arms? Like why can’t we, you know — take up arms against the state? We have historical examples of that happening, and them getting crushed and being martyrs for a cause and it’s like — okay well, it’s slow going because it takes a massive amount of organization.”

“I think that for [left-wing] movements in the United States, we need to be able to attack both [cultural and economic] fronts. Right? We need to create parallel structures of power because we cannot rely on the state…Consistently focusing on education and a change of cultural propaganda. We have to hit both fronts. We have to convince people that this is what we actually need.”

“Sacramento, as a city itself, is incredibly diverse. But we’re surrounded by a bunch of right-wing rednecks.”

As The Reports Came In- The Parents Exploded Into Action

Unlike far too many of the stories we hear all the time about the abuses far-left activists in the classroom inflict upon our children every day. This one has a happy ending. The Natomas Unified School District was absolutely overwhelmed by the visceral and immediately harsh and righteous response from Sacramento area parents. Its a scene that gives us great hope that even so deep in the Peoples Republic of California, there is still a glimmer in the darkness.

In response to the massive upswell of parental action, the Natomas Unified School District announced that Mr. Gipe is to be suspended without pay as they make the legal moves to terminate his employment. According to The New York Post, the District issued the following statement.

“Yesterday, a group released an undercover video that has been covered extensively. In this video, a teacher at Inderkum High School was recorded sharing his educational approach that is disturbing and undermines the public’s trust,” the district wrote. “The district is aware of the approach of the interview and the editing used to create the video.  In following the principles of democracy, Natomas Unified staff is following due process, the law, and spent the past two days investigating the alleged teacher actions and his classroom environment.”

“As of today, this teacher was placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom. Natomas Unified will be taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher.”

Here are some of the comments made by the courageous parents of Sacramento.

“You Stand by this man preaching Antifa and Communism in our classrooms! A disgrace!”

“I will not stand by and allow my rights as a parent to be trampled I have to be here today. And I… This is not limited… Just for your information, this is not limited to Interkum highschool. With absolutely no warning, my daughter who is a junior at MP3 High School was told that her Constitutional law class this year would be changed to “Social Justice” no parent input was given whatsoever. I contacted the teacher I was assured that Critical Race Theory would not be taught. That this would not be an issue but it has become one. And I just would like to end that this young woman just took an oath to defend the Constitution and to rid this country of enemies foreign and domestic. I ask that all of you do the same.”

“He was indoctrinating these kids every single day. He was abusing them, scaring them every single day,”

“Where the hell was the principal? Where were the vice-principals? Where was the faculty of the school? Where was it superintendent, where was the rest of the district? Where were you?”

“You guys will be held accountable. This is because of you,” he added. “Okay? Gabriel Gipe is a symptom, not the sickness. The sickness is in the district.” 

The example of the parents in Sacramento, CA needs to be held up as the standard in how to deal with the radical leftist indoctrination gripping schools across the United States. As parents, it is up to us to investigate our students’ classrooms, to speak with EVERY teacher, and know what they are teaching our children.

Should we find something similar, it must be exposed. We need to report it to groups like Project Veritas at or call us at 914-653-3110 or contact Campus Reform. And then we need to press the School Board or District to heed both parents and the law, do not be intimidated, do not be silenced, and do not give up. The future of our nation and our children depend upon it.


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