It was an ultimate expression of foolish stubbornness and pride. So committed is Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi to upholding the notion that the Biden-Harris regime can do no wrong, and so complete is her unwillingness to reach across the aisle for ANY purpose no matter how noble, that she by proxy on August 31st REFUSED to recognize GOP Veteran Members and read the names of the 13 US Servicemen lost in the Kabul bombing into the record. It’s a massive, petty mistake that could mean the end of the Speaker’s career on a very sour, disrespectful note.
The reading of names into the record is a nominal honor that is common and EXPECTED when a tragedy befalls American troops overseas, but Pelosi’s House it seems simply couldn’t be bothered. Almost as if to do so would be tantamount to some admission of wrong-doing on the part of the Democrat Socialist regime in power.
No, instead, Pelosi and her Democrats chose to spurn honoring these brave men and women, and only served to incense Americans nationwide and alert the country to the fact long known: they don’t care.
Moment Of Silence? Sure. But Dems In Congress Won’t #SayTheirNames. It’s Was A Big Mistake
While the House in its less than five-minute Pro-forma session did call for a moment of silence in remembrance of the 13, however, the moment was tarnished by the hyper-partisan, dismissive gesture. It would have taken but a minute maybe two to read off all 13 names, with rank, branch, and assignment as some token of respect to their families. but Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) acting as Speaker Pro-Tempore, had her instructions. No time would be spared for ANY motions from the GOP.
According to The Washington Examiner, the House GOP members immediately criticized Pelosi for her petulant, disrespectful display.
“We gaveled in, had a prayer, said the Pledge of Allegiance, took a moment of silence with pretty much all Republican veterans, then asked to be recognized to read names and bring up Afghanistan legislation,” said Rep. Brian Mast of Florida. “They did not acknowledge us, and just closed the House down.”
“House Democrats just refused to recognize Republican veterans on the House Floor to read the names of our fallen service members in Afghanistan. That’s how far our nation has fallen,” tweeted Rep. Greg Steube of Florida.
How badly do Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats want to cover up this Afghanistan debacle?
They just blocked Members of Congress from reading the names of the service members who sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan last week.
Don’t you think our military deserves better?
— Congressman Carlos A. Gimenez (@RepCarlos) August 31, 2021