A ‘Family Operation’ Covered in Open Conspiracy


You have to be blind not to see the whole pay-for-play scheme was a “family operation.” Jim Jordan is convinced Joe Biden was fully involved in all of Hunter Biden’s shenanigans. Emails, recovered from Hunter’s errant laptop and recently verified as authentic, include ones where he’s whining about paying Joe’s bills. The thing that bothers Jordan the most is “the conspiracy.

All in the Biden family

Just like the Corleones, the House of Biden is a highly organized operation. “It sure looks like Joe Biden was involved,” Jim Jordan notes. Emails detail how Hunter was kicking half the take to “pop.

One to his daughter Naomi, dated in January of 2019, complains, “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.

Hunter’s “salary” came from selling meetings with “the big guy” for big bucks. His clients were bigwigs in Russia, China and Ukraine. He dropped it off just a few weeks later, in April, 2019.

There isn’t any “direct evidence” of money transfers but it’s crystal clear that “Hunter was routinely on the hook for his father’s household expenses while Joe Biden was vice president.” His whole family keeps hassling him, scolding that he really should have picked that laptop up from repair.

For instance, Hunter’s partner Eric Schwerin tapped out on June 5, 2010 an email with the subject line “JRB Bills.” That would be His Imperial Wisdom Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. They referenced “the upkeep of Joe Biden’s palatial lake-front home in the wealthy Greenville enclave of Wilmington, Delaware.

The family crash pad was a money pit. The air conditioning crapped out in “mom-mom’s cottage” for $1,239 and Hunter shelled out “$1,475 to a painter for ‘back wall and columns at the lake house.” Then there was $2,600 to shore up a “stone retaining wall at the lake” and $475 “for shutters.

4.8 million reasons

Jim Jordan is totally convinced that Joe Biden was involved. “This was a family operation, including his uncle, as I said before.” Back in the campaign debates Joe promised that he “he didn’t do anything wrong, and Hunter wasn’t taking money from interests, business interests with connections to China.” He lied.

There are 4.8 million reasons why that statement Joe Biden made was not accurate, because we know he took $4.8 million from CEFC, the Chinese energy company.

So, yes, Jordan continues, “this ties in the entire family.” That’s not all, though. “The thing that bothers me the most,” he told Faux News viewers, “is the conspiracy.” The left, he adds, “always says, oh, there’s these right-wing conspiracies.

The real conspiracy here was the Democrats, big tech, big media keeping this story from the American people just days before the most important election we have, an election for president of the United States, election for who’s going to be the commander in chief.

The Biden’s have one nifty olive oil business booming on the side. “And you have a family involved with all kinds of foreign business interests. And we don’t get to hear that story.” All part of the New World Order agenda and a global coverup conspiracy. “And maybe the worst of it all was what 51 former intelligence officials did.”

That letter they wrote where they said this has all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign, that letter became the basis for big tech and big media to suppress this story and keep it from we, the people, in the run-up to our most important election.” So far, they’re getting away with it too. That could change drastically after the mid-terms.


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