Vigilant Bystanders Prevent a Carjacking by Shooting Suspect


Vigilant citizens in Maryvale, Arizona, a suburb on the west side of metro Phoenix, stopped what local police are calling “an attempted carjacking.” They shot the suspect before the cops arrived to take him to a hospital. He might make it.

Armed and vigilant citizens

The incident happened around 8 a.m. and the media hadn’t reported a whole lot about it in the 24 hours since. That’s probably because officials don’t want to explain why armed and vigilant citizens are forced to take the law into their own hands. Especially because these particular vigilantes were so efficient at it.

It shows that folks in one of the more “interesting” neighborhoods of the city are fully prepared to defend themselves and their neighbors. That’s inevitable when poorly funded and overworked police watch helplessly as the criminals they arrest are set free to practice their dark profession.

According to Phoenix Police Sergeant Phillip Krynsky, “a man was trying to steal a car when a group intervened and the man was shot.” What he didn’t say is that a whole herd of armed and angry muchachos were vigilant enough to cap a wannabe car thief.

They weren’t trying to defend themselves, they were defending someone’s ride. The person pulling the trigger might not even be a legitimate citizen and really didn’t care if they killed the guy. Police aren’t saying a word about any arrests. Not even the wounded suspect.

All officials are saying is that after they arrived at a parking lot near 83th Avenue and Encanto Boulevard to rescue the alleged carjacker from the vigilant “bystanders,” he was “taken to the hospital with a life-threatening injury.

Krynsky declined to offer any juicy insight and hedged that “the details are preliminary and subject to change as officers investigate the incident.” They were careful not to let any identities slip out. You can probably consider this a closed case.

Primaries sent the same message

When Imperial Leader Joe Biden saw the dismal results for Democrats in Tuesday’s primary election numbers, he knew there was only one thing to blame.

His followers are furious he even suggests that police need more funding. “I think the voters sent a clear message last night. Both parties have to step up and do something about crime.” Without police, vigilant citizens have to provide their own law and order.

More police aren’t the real answer and citizens will be forced to remain ultra vigilant and protect themselves until the prosecutors start bringing cases to trial and getting stiff sentences for hard core criminals.

Letting people out simply because they are “disadvantaged” in some way only provides incentive for criminals to keep being criminals. That message was heard loud and clear in San Francisco. Democrat District Attorney Chesa Boudin was dragged out of office in a recall vote by overwhelming numbers.

Boudin practically guaranteed that the people he was supposed to protect would have to protect themselves through vigilant DIY justice. Neighborhood watch posses don’t have to be formal to be effective. All it takes is armed citizens who know and talk to their neighbors.

Boudin was well known as “one of the most progressive top prosecutors in the country” who “advanced a more lenient approach to crime.” Shoplifting and carjackings went through the roof.


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