The Direct Link Between Liz Cheney and Hunter Biden ESTABLISHED


As if Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) did not already have enough problems on her hands.

Reports broke that can make a direct link between Cheney and Hunter Biden.

The link is via her husband’s law firm.

We Can Help You, Hunter

If you read anything I have written regarding Cheney, you know I despise this family.

They are deeply embedded in the establishment, of which Biden is also a member.

Party lines do not matter when it comes to the establishment, and this is proof of that.

Cheney’s husband, Philip Perry, is a stakeholder in the law firm Latham & Watkins.

Take a guess who is representing Hunter Biden with his tax problem?

That would be Chris Clark, a partner at Latham & Watkins.

This gets even more interesting in that attorneys that work for the firm have reportedly donated about $500,000 to Biden’s 2020 campaign.

Clark wrote a check for $3,800!

When you add this to the fact that the firm has also advised a Chinese Communist Party-linked technology company named TME and Exelon Corporation, a company dubbed “a tool of the Chinese government” by our State Department, well, you can see where I am going with this.

How can the husband of an elected member of Congress be in business with the Chinese government?

How can that same law firm defend the son of a president of the opposing party in a major tax investigation?

Need more? Consider that in the six years that Cheney has been in office, her net worth has exploded by more than 600 percent.

Something tells me it should be Cheney being investigated by a Select Committee, not Donald Trump!


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