Superior Court BLOCKING The Truth From Being Made Public About Biden CORRUPTION


The Superior Court in Delaware is blocking the truth about Imperial Leader Joe Biden from the American public. The underlying lawsuit suggests that the University of Delaware is lying to cover up evidence of alleged corruption in one form or another.

Biden records sealed in secrecy

Defenders of liberty and justice at Judicial Watch announced they were forced to file a notice of appeal. They’re taking their case all the way to the Supreme Court of Delaware. Joe Biden kept official records from his time as a Senator which should be open to public scrutiny but they’re not.

The university housing them has an outrageous excuse for not turning the documents loose but what’s really exasperating is the Superior Court is buying that lame excuse without question.

Judicial Watch loves to go to court over their Freedom of Information Act requests. They do it every day. For some strange reason, the federal agencies who claim fairness and transparency don’t like to reveal exactly what they’re up to.

This time around, the Delaware Superior Court is blocking access to senatorial records Joe Biden turned over to the University of Delaware for safe keeping.

Nearly two thousand boxes of papers and archival records Biden collected during his Senate career are as tightly guarded as Barack Obama’s college transcripts and official birth certificate.

When Judicial Watch went fishing for them, they were told they can’t see any of them because they aren’t “public records.” The reason why is sketchy at best but the Superior Court swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

Not ‘public’ records

The drama started in the Delaware Attorney General’s office. Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation were denied access to the records so filed suit last July. In early January, two days before the barbarian invasion of the Capitol, the Superior Court of Delaware ruled that the AG decision was the right one.

The materials collected are not “public records” because “no public funds are used to support the Biden records project at the University of Delaware.” That sounds like complete bull fertilizer to most folks. Nobody is even trying to explain where the money comes from if not the public but the Court doesn’t want to hear it.

Judicial Watch screamed bloody murder and nobody listened. In court, they argued passionately that “it is impossible for the housing of Biden’s senatorial records in the University of Delaware’s Library to not be supported by any public funds.”

Unless the Biden collection is under some special third party managed fund, which nobody has produced anything in support of, the public is paying for the whole thing.

The university does admit that “Delaware provides the University with approximately $120 million each year through an appropriation in the state budget.” Every dime comes from the taxpayer. Judicial Watch points out that they have yet “to show how public funds are not used to support” the Biden papers.

In fact, they argued in court, “archival storage space and professional staff members’ time are things of value that it can be inferred are paid for with public funds.” Not only that, the requests even listed the “University personnel who maintain the Senatorial Papers whose salaries, it can be inferred, are paid with State funds.”


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