Ron DeSantis Stopped a HUGE Land Problem


Rogue states are exerting “undue influence” inside America, by gobbling up vast tracts of land, Ron DeSantis warns. One of those renegade nations is China. That could turn into a really huge problem. So, the Florida governor declared a crackdown.

Who owns America’s land?

It’s a scary thought that a whole bunch of American land isn’t owned by Americans. A recent report came out from the National Association of Realtors which “found that Chinese real estate investors spent $6.1 billion on American real estate over a 12-month period that ended in March — more than any other group of foreigners.

That woke DeSantis up because his state was named in the report.

Land transfers to China were a big deal in Florida. They “accounted for 24% of all international real estate purchases in the U.S.,” with California a distant second at 11 percent.

As he told viewers of the the Laura Ingraham show on July 22, DeSantis “didn’t think business interests with alleged ties to the Chinese Communist Party should be allowed to buy up American real estate assets.

I don’t think they should be able to do it. I think the problem is these companies have ties to the CCP, and it’s not always apparent on the face of whatever a company is doing — but I think it’s a huge problem.

Xi Jinping would love to have any foothold in North America he can dip his honey loving toes into. Land is a great investment because they aren’t making any more of it. As farmers become an endangered species, the land the farms sit on becomes a tempting target.


Not in Florida

DeSantis is taking a stand against the Pooh Bear while he can. He’s all set to sign legislation “that would prevent Chinese interests from purchasing farmland in Florida.” That land needs to stay under American control. Especially, if we end up going to war over Taiwan.

Nancy Pelosi seems determined to start nuclear war with a surprise visit to China’s disputed territory. They haven’t figured out what the response to her little jaunt will be, but expect it to be big and painful. At least politically painful. Rumors say Xi’s kicking around the idea of nuking San Francisco with a really long range torpedo.

Businessmen from the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have all “reportedly been aggressive in purchasing existing homes” here in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

In 2019, the US Department of Agriculture said that Chinese-linked entities owned at least 192,000 acres of farmland worth more than $1.9 billion.” That’s a really interesting statistic considering what’s going on right now in the Netherlands and about to start in Europe and Canada.

Farms will be totally off the agenda by 2030 along with all the climate warming nitrogen emitted by farm animals everywhere. Any humans who refuse to go vegan will simply have to settle for eating bugs. Not only was Florida the “state that attracted the heaviest volume of real estate purchases,” DeSantis picked up that this was “the 14th consecutive year that foreign investors expressed the most interest in Sunshine State properties.

Land there has become a quiet little goldmine. After looking even deeper, DeSantis promises “that he plans to sign legislation that would limit the extent to which Chinese firms can invest in Florida pension funds.” There isn’t a lot of that now, he notes, “but we want to make sure that we’re cutting ties so that we’re not funding our number-one adversary.


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