Report: Trump Transition Team Victim of MORE Obama Spying – GSA Busted!


More evidence of a seditious coup plot surfaced Friday, this time focused on the GSA. Grand Inquisitor Robert Muller and the Deep State FBI were freshly implicated in even more spying on President Donald Trump’s transition team following the 2016 election.

Spy on the transition team

Senators Ron Johnson and Charles Grassley just released a scathing 26-page report on Friday titled “Don’t Brief the Trump Team: How the GSA and the FBI Secretly Shared Trump Transition Team Records.” Robert Mueller’s cronies secretly obtained back door access to the private records of President-elect Trump’s transition officials from the General Services Administration “despite an agreement between Trump and the administrative agency.”

“On February 15, 2017, after watching the news about Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s resignation as national security advisor, GSA officials proactively contacted the FBI.” Without being asked, liberals in the General Services were anxious to aid the resistance, begging to “preserve the Trump transition team records.”

The Federal Bureau of Instigation was thrilled. They quickly asked the rats “to preserve all Trump transition team records associated with Lt. Gen. Flynn.” The progressive plotters were afraid those might not be good enough to drag Trump back out of the White House.

“The GSA then decided to preserve all remaining transition team records.” That was a complete breach of contract because they swore up and down the records were safe. They specifically “assured Trump for America in their memorandum of understanding that transition team records would not be retained.”

Unsurprisingly, they hid what they were doing from the White House. The administration even “decided not to tell counsel for Trump for America about this decision.”

Breach of fiduciary duty

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson has been working closely with Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley on a joint inquiry into the Obamagate conspiracy. They’re furious with the GSA. “The United States is renowned for its peaceful transitions of power.

Since at least the early 1960s, presidential candidates have received government assistance in forming and administering their transition teams. Every major presidential candidate over the past five decades — both winners and losers in the general election — has made use of government assistance to support his or her transition team under the assumption that government employees were cooperating with the team in good faith.”

What the GSA did was worse than just shredding the contract, they broke the “fiduciary duty” they owed to the transition team to do the right thing, not what’s politically popular. There will be extra charges for that. “That presumption of good faith was called into question in 2016.”

When they got busted cold, they still refused to cooperate. “Even after the Trump transition team learned about the FBI’s secret preservation request, the GSA nevertheless refused to provide the Trump transition team copies of its own records.”

Instead, they handed them to Robert Mueller for his witch hunt. “The GSA turned those same records over to the Special Counsel without requiring any legal process, such as a subpoena or warrant.” Then, “after Trump for America learned about the preservation, the GSA refused to provide it with copies of all remaining transition team records.”

GSA doubts have consequences

The report concludes, “At bottom, the GSA and the FBI undermined the transition process by preserving Trump transition team records contrary to the terms of the memorandum of understanding, hiding that fact from the Trump transition team, and refusing to provide the team with copies of its own records.

These actions have called into question the GSA’s role as a neutral service provider, and those doubts have consequences. Future presidential transition teams must have confidence that their use of government resources and facilities for internal communications and deliberations — including key decisions such as nominations, staffing, and significant policy changes — will not expose them to exploitation by third parties, including political opponents.”



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