Odd Change of Events: WHO Warns Against Vaccine Mandates


WHO, meaning the World Health Organization, not the rock band, just “announced its hesitancy to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.” The proclamation would have had just as much effect on His Imperial Wisdom Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and the Ministry of Health if it had been issued by Roger Daltrey instead of Hans Kluge.

WHO cares?

Is it science or propaganda? Either way doesn’t matter much because today’s New World Order illusion of American government makes up the rules as they go along.

WHO European director, Dr. Hans Kluge, declared that heavy-handed vaccine mandates are “such a sweeping move” they should “only be used as a last resort.” At least somebody cares about personal freedom.

The official WHO press release notes “Mandates around vaccination are an absolute last resort and only applicable when all feasible options to improve vaccination uptake have been exhausted.”

Biden doesn’t want to hear that because to him, it’s all about population control, not disease control. As more and more Americans refuse to inject the Kool-Aid, he has a growing problem.

Firing all the nurses, firefighters, and police who refuse a jab is only the beginning of Biden’s nightmare. The WHO director advises.

If he follows through with his threats, the society he’s meant to protect will collapse overnight. As his “Let’s Go Brandon” approval rating indicates, it’s already collapsing. Thanks to him, and re-branding the “Build Back Better” scam as “Building a Better America” won’t soften the impact of crushing inflation.

Two classes of citizens

There may be a case or two where vaccine mandates are effective, but Dr. Kluge says that Joe Biden’s been smoking too much of Kamala Harris’ happy weed. Mandates “should not be used as a blanket policy to fight the virus.”

Don’t tell that to anyone in the palace. They’ll brand you as a deplorable Trump supporter and run you out of Washington as an insurrectionist. It’s all about “class” status. The rock band could tell you a thing or two about that, which WHO scientists hadn’t even thought of.

Dr. Kluge was bold enough to warn the world that mandates lead to class warfare by “creating two classes of citizens based on vaccination status.” Ultimately, he notes in his formal WHO affiliated statement, “mandates should never contribute to increasing social inequalities in access to health and social services.”

That’s why any “measure that may restrict a right or movement of a person, such as lockdowns or mandates, also needs to assure that mental health and wellbeing is cared for.”

Biden will surely take that comment as a way out. If they lock folks down, they’ll pass out plenty of tranquilizers. One thing they haven’t figured out how to deal with are those “patriotic” types who keep believing the constitution is more than toilet paper with writing on it. “Public backlash was another concern for the doctor.”

The effect, Kluge warns, “that mandating vaccination could have on public confidence and public trust, as well as vaccination uptake, must be considered. Both WHO and the Who know that what “is acceptable in one society and community may not be effective and acceptable in another.” Libertarian rednecks don’t care for mandates on anything.


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