Obama’s ‘Good Friend’ is Now Accused of Molesting Young Boy


First, it was Hillary Clinton’s companion Ed Buck in the spotlight for those homosexually inclined homicidal proclivities he’s famous for. Now, Barry Obama’s “Good Friend” Terry Bean is in trouble for sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy. Conservative Americans are convinced that, these days, the word Democrat is synonymous with “deviant pervert.”

Friend and supporter

Bath-house Barry Obama and Terry Bean go way back. They’ve been giving each other a hand as the occasion arises for years.

Described by Obama as not just a good friend but a “great” one, the 73-year-old Democrat donor and LGBTQ advocate is facing trial for soliciting a 15-year-old boy. That’s just for starters. His slick lawyers are arguing the whole thing should be tossed on a technicality.

Back in September of 2013, Bean coaxed a 15-year-old friend he met on Grindr into a hookup with “Bean and his former boyfriend Kiah Lawson.” They drove the boy “to a motel room in Eugene, Oregon,” where they “sexually abused him,” After they were done, they thoughtfully “got him a cab ride home.”

The defense lawyers say it doesn’t matter if he did it or not, the cops destroyed evidence so the whole thing should be dismissed. “a detective on the case allegedly deleted text messages years ago, while switching his police-issued cell phone.”

The year before, in 2012 Bean donated nearly $70,000 personally and raised “at least a half million dollars.” That’s when Barry Soetoro called him a “great friend and supporter.”

The deviant donor allegedly “makes his money from the real estate business.” Bean is popular with left-leaning blog BuzzFeed, who describes him as “the co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund.”

Sodomy and sexual abuse

Bean was initially charged, BuzzFeed acknowledged in November of 2014, with “two counts of felony sodomy in the third degree, and one count of misdemeanor sexual abuse in the third degree.”

They were thrilled to report that those charges had been “dismissed after the victim disappeared in August 2015.” He popped back up in January 2019. That’s when a “grand jury voted to re-indict Bean on the same sex abuse charges.” Only his friend Barry can save him now.

Later in 2019 Bean’s friend, lover, and co-conspirator, Kiah Lawson, was put on ice for two years after being found guilty of “felony third-degree sodomy and misdemeanor third-degree sexual abuse.”

He really didn’t want to answer his new cell-mate’s question “What’re ya in for?” During the trial in that case, “the victim testified to both Lawson’s and Bean’s involvement in picking him up from a 7-Eleven for an evening of sexual activity.”

That doesn’t matter one bit to defense lawyers. They are hoping to make a friend out of the judge. Barry could be using his influence behind the scenes to help lubricate the moving parts. “Bean’s defense attorneys are motioning the judge to dismiss the case because Detective Jeff Myers’ text messages should’ve been made available to them.” They’re throwing a hissy fit.

“The missing texts were exchanged between Myers and Jeffrey Dickey, the latter of which was the lawyer for Lawson. Myers’ defense lawyers say the missing text messages were from between June and November 2014 when Dickey was trying to get Lawson immunity for raising sex abuse claims against Bean.” Prosecutors debunk all that. “We do not believe any action or circumstance has occurred in the case that deserves or requires the dismissal of charges against Terrence Bean for his conduct with an LGBTQ youth.” It’s up to the judge now.


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