Jamee Anatello, an Oregon mother of eight children held her daughter while they attended the Courageous Truth Conference, a prayer and worship event that took place at Tom McCall Park on the Portland waterfront. Until that prayer event was attacked by Antifa Terrorists. She has since spoken out against the mainstream media’s abysmal failure to report on the violence that has been perpetrated by Antifa leftist extremists in an incredibly inspiring way: by crashing Antifa’s own press conference. Anatello found her voice in anger, that the media is so obsessed with vilifying groups like the Proudboys that they refuse to address the depredations of Antifa.
According to The Christian Post,
“Were it not for a friend’s intervention, Jamee Anatello’s 8-month-old daughter could have faced serious injury from a flash bomb that Antifa threw at Christians attending a rally in Portland, Oregon, on Aug. 7. Anatello’s friend put her arm in front of the infant’s face, suffering bruises as well as welts and blisters on her arm, hands, and feet.”
“No Proud Boys were present that day,” Anatello declared to the press defiantly “No local media has taken my story. I spoke with two different stations and they rejected it. I believe that the reason they have not taken my story is because the narrative around here is that the Proud Boys are white supremacists when they’re not. And people around here just refuse to name Antifa as dangerous.”
A Mother Launches Righteous Rampage Against Antifa
Jamee Anatello’s testimony was powerful, and so DSRH has painstakingly transcribed it in full for you.
“White supremacy is not the problem, the proud boys were not the problem. Antifa black block are the ones who threw bombs, mortars, and pepper spray at me and my children. My baby girl, eight years old nearly was hit in the face with an explosive by white people dressed up in all black attacking me and my family! It is not the proud boys and you the city of Portland and everybody who supports them know this! My black children were almost hit with bombs and mortars my nine-year-old son was drenched in pepper gas thrown by Antifa.”
“They did not. Yes, they are part of the problem! Yes, they are part of the problem. But you know what? You, you, you, and you are the problem!” She said pointing to the cameras of the press.”
“Every single local news station denied my story. You rejected it in favor of one man with an airsoft gun. No proud boys were present that day. The event hadn’t even started yet. We were shaking hands, saying our hellos, smiling at each other, having fun. And black block Antifa marched in chanting “hail satan” screaming where’s your god now? Okay, it’s on video and you were probably there.
That is the problem in this city they beat and terrorized an Asian gay man who still has to fear for his life, who still hides from them. They still threaten his life. A gay Asian man! Stop Asian Hate! Stop Black Hate!
The proud boys were invented because Antifa was the one who was terrorizing us. My husband we are one-income and Antifa has been trying to get him to lose his job and that would put 10 black people out of the home.
Antifa beat up a transgender down here on these streets it was a man transitioning to a woman. She was broken sitting on the sidewalk because they took her backpack her skateboard and she said “i have nothing left” she was begging for her stuff back.
And then the man who tried to stop them was beat in the street.
I do remember you yeah you’re a part of the problem the worst kind are the white liberal women you look at me in disdain.
If every single one of these news stations hadn’t denied my story I wouldn’t be standing here today. proud boys are not the problems they have loved on my family, broke bread with me, fellowshipped with me, and been to my home, they have been nothing but generous and kind to us. My entire black family. and Antifa is the one who has spray-painted in my kid’s face, drenched us in pepper spray, and tried to kill us.
What the problem is: Is the news will and all of these people will not stop with the Proud Boys, get over it, it’s not them! Right, there’s one more thing before I step away: Mike Schmidt (Multnomah County’s District Attorney) was not prosecuting them last year when they were being arrested. Sexual offenders like Andrew J. Simmons should not even have been in the vicinity of children as he is a registered sex offender. Mike Schmidt is white supremacy and he is dangerous just like Antifa get it right.”
Jamee Anatello’s husband Quincy Anatello, is CEO of Boots On The Ground and known as The Black Conservative Preacher. He put out this raw video of the August 7th attack on the prayer event.
#Antifa attacks a group of Christians w/ their children in #portland #oregon on August 7, 2021 while they were having a service with Pastor @ArturPawlowski1 of #canada @PTNewsnetwork @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews @TheOfficerTatum @RealCandaceO @DonaldJTrumpJr https://t.co/EhW3nChrBY pic.twitter.com/oiYgjMb7LH
— The Black Conservative Preacher (@thebcpreacher) August 8, 2021
According to The Christian Post, “Anatello, born and raised in Portland, has seriously considered moving out of the city, which was a hotspot for violence last summer, including the murder of a Trump supporter at the hands of a man who identified as an Antifa and BLM activist.”