Morgan Freeman Breaks from the Left, INFURIATES BLM

Morgan Freeman Breaks from the Left, INFURIATES BLM

While promoting his new movie, “The Killing Of Kenneth Chamberlain,” actor Morgan Freeman broke from the leftist narrative surrounding police, infuriating Black Lives Matter.

During a recent interview with Black Enterprise’s Selena Hill, Morgan Freeman stated that he does not support the “Defund the Police” movement, which aims to strip funding from police departments across the country as a response to an unbelievably small number of bad shootings of black men by police officers.

“I’m not in the least bit for defunding the police,” Freeman said. “Police work is, aside from all the negativity around it, it is very necessary for us to have them and most of them are guys that are doing their job. They’re going about their day-to-day jobs. I know some policemen who would never even pull their guns except in a range, that sort of thing. I don’t know.”

Of course, the left-wing media misquoted Freeman in many of their articles. Instead of reporting that he said “I know some policemen who would never even pull their guns except in a range,” many outlets like Mediaite and The Independent wrote “There are some police the never pulled their guns except in rage.”

The question is: was this on purpose, or somehow an accident? Considering the fact that the video source used to write these articles already has the correct caption on it, it would seem that these outlets are intentionally misquoting Freeman.

What is more shocking is that Fox News, Breitbart, and Townhall also misquoted Freeman in the same way. (The error has been pointed out to the outlets, so the articles may have already been changed by the time this article is published).



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