Joe Biden BETRAYS Kamala Harris

biden whisper

I honestly have no clue what goes through Joe Biden’s brain, and I am sure most Democrats are wondering the same thing after a recent Biden video went viral.

While at an event in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden put on a Donald Trump hat.

The video immediately blew up, and Trump even thanked Joe for his support.

Just Showing Unity

The event was the day after the debate, which also happened to be the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

Biden was in Shanksville, PA, the site of one of the crash landings during the attacks of 9/11.

During the debate, Trump has a little secret to tell everyone about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

He stated, “He [Biden] hates her [Kamala]! He can’t stand her.”

I am not so sure that Trump is wrong about that and I am pretty certain that First Lady Jill Biden hates her, as rumors were flying after the 2020 debate when Harris all but called Joe Biden a racist.

That brings us to the event, where Biden took a Trump hat from a supporter in the crowd and put it on…

That left the White House and the Harris campaign scrambling, immediately putting out the narrative that Joe wore the hate to show bipartisan unity during the 9-11 event.

Unity? Since when has Joe Biden ever promoted unity between Trump supporters and Democrats?

Dems have thrown every vile word in the dictionary at Trump and his supporters, so Biden putting on a hat will not erase that history.

In the meantime, Biden has given the Trump campaign a picture that you better believe will be used in ads during this election cycle.

On a different note, one more attack made Harris rather uncomfortable during the debate: Trump stated, “But he had 14 million votes. They threw them out. She got zero votes.”

This is not an argument that Harris wants to have because she has not know a case could be made that this nomination was unconstitutional.

Never in the history of our presidential elections has a candidate dropped out because he was behind in polling, then replaced by a candidate chosen by the party, not the people.

If that is not unconstitutional, well, we might as just as well throw the entire Constitution in the shredder because our election process is at the core of what makes our constitutional republican what it is.


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