Domestic Terrorist Holiday Violence Plot


Alamance County, North Carolina is expecting holiday domestic terrorism. They uncovered an evil plot and they’re begging the rabble “to remain peaceful.” That’s not likely to happen.

A plot thicker than Thanksgiving gravy

After everyone wakes up from the Thanksgiving turkey induced coma, this year’s black Friday will be followed up by a Black Lives Matter Saturday in Alamance County, North Carolina. The local Sheriff is begging the organized anarchists who plan to invade the town of Graham on November 28, to “remain peaceful.” It appears that Antifa-inspired revolutionaries have a plot thicker than gravy.

Deputies got their hands on an audio tape purportedly recorded during a BLM group’s “community meeting” which alerted them to the sinister plot. Parts of what they heard on the tape “gave them cause for concern.”

In a public statement, The Sheriff’s office “strongly encourages all those that attend the November 28 demonstration to refrain from harming people and property.” They seriously expect that Black Lives Matter rioters will behave.

The police remind lawless thugs who like to light cars, businesses and police stations on fire just for fun, that blocking streets and intersections, or trespassing is “illegal and can result in arrest.” That doesn’t mean they plan to actually make any. Especially if they are as outnumbered as usual in these riots. The riot plot is already public.

Right to free speech

“While the Sheriff’s Office supports and respects an individual’s constitutional right to free speech, we continue to ask everyone to exercise those rights in a peaceful and respectful manner.” Like that’s going to happen. The Black Lives Matter plot was organized by “Reverend” Gregory Drumwright. He was behind the “March to the Polls” Halloween night, “where law enforcement used pepper spray after saying demonstrators blocked roads.”

“YES,” Drumwright confirms. The plot is real. “We are marching again in Graham on 11/28 for CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM & YES we are announcing an economic boycott.” Most folks have nothing to worry about.

According to the evil plot, “the only businesses that need to be concerned are those that are racially disparaging minorities and supporting WHITE SUPREMACY.” He doesn’t care if anyone thinks he’s a criminal, because we live in anarchy and laws don’t matter anymore.

“If that makes me a domestic terrorist then bring me up on those charges too because WE’RE READY 4 CHANGE!” He already has been charged with “felony assault with physical injury on a law enforcement officer, a felony obstruction of justice and a misdemeanor of failure to disperse on command.” Those stem from his Halloween trick or treat spree. He’s still walking around and planning violence without anyone batting an eye.



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