Devin Nunes Is Fighting to Stop the CCP Takeover of America

Devin Nunes Is Fighting to Stop the CCP Takeover of America

GOP Rep. Devin Nunes is calling for an investigation into businesses that are aiding and abetting China’s “malign influence” in the United States.

In a statement to Breitbart News, California Rep. Devin Nunes has announced that several Republican colleagues in the House would be joining him in expanding an ongoing investigation into the Chinese Communist Party’s leverage over American corporations.

Nunes, who is the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, released this statement to Breitbart:

“China is a malign influence on the world in general and on America in particular. They are targeting, among other things, corporate America, bribing and coercing U.S. businesses to do Beijing’s bidding, including handing over highly sensitive technologies and trade secrets. American businesses need to be aware of China’s predatory actions, and those who aid and abet them need to be held to account.”

The GOP representative also discussed the investigation during an appearance on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Features, stating that it would be “the next stage of our ongoing investigation that’s been ongoing for ten years” and will go beyond “sports and entertainment” to include “sectors of the economy like technology, agriculture, pharmaceuticals.”

“We’re going to start with about a dozen U.S. entities that we’re going to investigate,” Nunes added, “probably will reach about four dozen by the time it’s all over with. We’ll be notifying those companies this week.”

The GOP congressman also credited Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow for starting the conversation with his book, Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, which details financial ties between the CCP and the mainstream media.

Breitbart reports: “Nunes credited Marlow with revealing ‘criminality’ and ‘defamation’ across the media industry related to conflicts of interest presented by its financial ties to China through its conglomerate ownership. He later called for Republicans to stop engaging with left-wing and partisan Democrat news media that dishonestly market themselves as politically objective and non-partisan.”

Holding CCP-tied corporations accountable would be an important first step in eradicating China‘s influence in the U.S., especially Nike, whose chief executive recently stated: “Nike is a brand that is of China and for China.”

Congress should also be focusing on Chinese influence in education, and should be looking into prohibiting Chinese nationals and Chinese companies from purchasing land in the U.S. Without government intervention, things are only going to get worse. The GOP’s insistence on not using government power when they have control over Congress needs to stop.


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