Democrat Leader Vetoes Tax Breaks Showing Her Fascist Side

Whitmer Democrat DNC COVID

A prominent Democrat leader is showing her fascist side as she vetoes two bills that would give tax breaks to businesses for their pandemic-related purchases of personal protective equipment, disinfectants, and plexiglass barriers.

After nearly destroying the state’s economy with authoritarian lockdown measures, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has decided she’s not done punishing the residents of her state.

When two bills arrived on her desk that would help alleviate some of the suffering of many small businesses in Michigan, instead of celebrating the bipartisan effort, Whitmer decided to veto them.

These bills would have allowed businesses to seek refunds for the taxes paid on personal protective equipment, disinfectants and plexiglass barriers during the pandemic.

Creepy Video of Gov Whitmer Draws Heavy Questions

What’s her excuse? It’s simple, she doesn’t want to lose any state revenue that she could be spending on her radical agenda. Whitmer would rather have the rest of the country pay for it, saying that she wants to create a direct grant program using federal money — meaning, taxpayer dollars from Americans that don’t live in Michigan would be going to pay businesses in Michigan for a problem that the state’s governor created through her lockdowns.

According to reporting by The Associated Press, Whitmer vetoed the bills because “tax credits would be ineligible for reimbursement from Washington, a blow to the state budget.”

Michigan residents and business groups are frustrated and disappointed with the vetoes.

“In a political era when there is very little cooperation across party lines, there was overwhelming bipartisan support for this legislation… Such bipartisanship deserves to be celebrated rather than vetoed,” said Brad Williams, a lobbyist for the Detroit Regional Chamber.

While the businesses that would benefit from the bills did everything they could to follow Governor Whitmer’s fascist lockdown orders, she can’t even be bothered to do something to thank them for their cooperation.


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