DC Democrats Forced to ‘Crowdfunding a Resettlement Effort’


Ultra-liberal Vanity Fair is having a total snit because Democrat officials in Washington, D.C. have forced immigrant sanctuary volunteers down to “crowdfunding a resettlement effort.” It’s time to put up or shut up, they say. And nobody is willing to shut up. Get with the program Joe, liberals demand. Fork over the cash, November is coming. He’s about to get thrown under one of those buses coming up from the borderlands.

All about resettlement

The cat is finally out of the New World Order bag. Our borders have been totally erased as part of the global refugee resettlement efforts. It’s all on the “agenda.” That Agenda 2030 Great Reset thing that’s supposed to create a green progressive paradise for all. One activist who’s so committed to the sanctuary cause that he won’t provide his name, calls himself M. Felix.

He’s miffed at Mayor Muriel Bowser. He’s been doing his part and she wants to go and call in the National Guard. That’s not nice, he insists. Maybe they invaded our country but that doesn’t make them criminals, so they shouldn’t be treated that way.

He has personally helped with the resettlement of seven refugee families, so far. He took them into his home and slept on the couch so they could have his bed. He’s been doing his part ever since that nasty and disgusting Texas Governor Greg Abbott started express shipping them to the district in April.

For some reason, not enough others are doing the same. Now that D.C. is getting a tiny taste of what the border states have been dealing with all along, they’re having a total resources meltdown.

Felix can’t understand why both the local and the federal government take the mass resettlement project so lightly.

They treat the problem like a “political hot potato” while “abdicating their responsibility to address the issue, leaving a network of overworked mutual aid volunteers and small, overwhelmed organizations on their own to assist the nearly 5,000 migrants.” That’s the most recent count since the border buses started rolling in to town.


Bowser hiding the money

While the migrants are straining the resettlement resources, sanctuary aid organizations are struggling desperately to do it all with one measly federal grant. That money was meant to cover half of what they’re dealing with now. District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser swears up and down she doesn’t have another penny to throw at the problem.

She told reporters recently that the district “won’t be able to bear” responsibility, so it’s a “federal issue that demands a federal response.” That’s a load of illegal fertilizer, organizer Amy Fischer counters. The mayor, she claims, is “sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars.” Some of it is federal funds. All of it “could be used to provide a more humane reception to the arriving migrants.” Bowser’s office won’t return their calls.

With resettlement efforts fully underway and new record numbers of migrants pouring across the border with each new day, Joe Biden refuses to take responsibility.

The “federal government has failed for years to put together real immigration reform, and has not shown enough urgency.” Joe talks a good game but he’s always out for ice cream when you really need him. Even Democrats are starting to get frustrated. Joe keeps acting less progressive every day. The only thing which seems to be moving forward is his Alzheimer symptoms.

According to Erin Thorn with the Texas Civil Rights Project’s Beyond Borders program, “the Biden administration should have done more to provide resources. The failure to provide those resources is being used for the political gain of Abbott.

He’s right. Abbott will get re-elected and Joe Biden won’t. If, that is, we’re still alive after China responds to Nancy Pelosi’s recent madness.


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