Conservatives Get HUGE Win in Court… Dems FUMING

supreme power grab

Once again, the courts have protected our constitutional rights.

More specifically, the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens between the ages of 18 and 20.

The timing of the decision could be better, but I am just glad the court did not allow its decision to be influenced by current events.

It’s Their Right

Worth v. Jacobson challenged the right of 18 to 20-year-old law-abiding citizens to apply for a concealed carry license.

Some would argue that since those under 21 cannot drink alcohol, they are not able to carry a gun.

The court and the Constitution say differently.

The court struck down the law, which was celebrated by Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) President Brandon Combs.

He stated, “This decision confirms that age-based firearm bans are flatly unconstitutional.

“All peaceable people have a natural right to carry firearms in public, and adults under the age of 21 are no exception.

“Securing the right to keep and bear arms for all peaceable people is a key element of our high-impact strategy.”

The immediate argument I have heard against the ruling was that the shooter who tried to assassinate Donald Trump was only 20 years old.

And I understand that, but we cannot penalize all of society for the actions of one.

Quite frankly, I know kids that are 16 years old that have and practice better gun safety knowledge than some adults who have concealed carry.

The true irony in all of this is that we hand 18-year-old kids rifles and send them off to war, but liberals don’t believe those same 18-year-olds can safely carry a weapon.



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